These files contain archives of the Kermit project websites and FTP site. The archives are in the "files" directory. kermitmirror is an archive of kermit-websites-mirror is an archive of the relevant parts of,, and As there are many duplicates in both archives, identical files have been hardlinked together before archiving to save space. EXTRACTION ---------- In order to be able to represent changes over time, these archives are created using dar. You can obtain dar from: Dar is also packaged for most Linux and BSD distributions, as well as MacOS package systems. I have also included the source (for *nix systems) and Windows binaries in the "dar" directory. By using dar, we can easily track the changes to these mirrors over time. Also, it is easy to make a decremental archive -- that is, to take a current working tree and take it back in time to represent an earlier state. To extract, first start with the most recent "full" backup. Then extract with, for instance: dar -v -x kermit-websites-mirror-2024-08-26-full If you want to go back to an earlier state, apply every decremental since, in order: dar -w -v -x kermit-websites-mirror-2023-08-08-decremental For more on dar, see my page on it at . If you're curious, these were generated for maximum efficiency with: dar --fsa-scope none -zzstd:10 -c ../kermit-websites-mirror-2023-07-08-full \ -R . -g kermit-websites-mirror and dar -w -v --fsa-scpoe none \ --merge kermit-websites-mirror-2023-07-08-decremental \ --ref kermit-websites-mirror-2023-07-08-full \ --aux kermit-websites-mirror-2024-08-26-full \ -ad -ak -- John Goerzen, August 26, 2024