Kermit 95 2.1.3

Dated: 1 January 2003
Released: 21 January 2003
Supersedes: Version 2.1.2 of 25 November 2002


Kermit 95 2.1.3 (1 January 2003) is a minor update to version 2.1.2 of 25 November 2002 with the following new features:

And the following problems fixed:

Version 2.1.3 features new "lockdown" features that allow system integrators to set up captive preconfigured sessions for their users, customers, or clients via the following GUI-related command-line options:

--nomenubar Do not include or display a menu bar (File, Edit, Actions, Help).
--notoolbar Do not include or display a tool bar (Dialer, Switch screens, Terminal Type, Font and Size, Character set).
--nostatusbar Do not include or display the GUI status bar at the bottom (Screen indicator, Locus indicator, Connection Indicator, Screen position, Screen dimensions).
--nobars All of the above.
--nopush Same as the NOPUSH command, prevents external command execution, including access to the K95 Dialer.
--noescape Command-line equivalent to SET TERM ESCAPE-CHARACTER DISABLE; nullifies the escape character and the \Kexit keyboard verb (Alt-X), thus blocking access to the Command screen.
--noscroll Disables scrollbars and scroll keyboard verbs, this preventing users from scrolling back to previous screens.
--lockdown Combines all of the above.
--maximize Start maximized (full screen); command-line equivalent to SET GUI WINDOW RUN-MODE MAXIMIZED.
--minimize Start minimized; command-line equivalent to SET GUI WINDOW RUN-MODE MINIMIZED.
--scalefont Scale font when changing window size; command-line equivalent to SET GUI WINDOW RESIZE-MODE SCALE-FONT. .
--changedim Change dimension (screen rows and columns) when changing window size; command-line equivalent to SET GUI WINDOW RESIZE-MODE CHANGE-DIMENSIONS.

The new commands of version 2.1.3 are:

Equivalent to --noscroll.

This prevents the window from being resized without the use of the Alt or Ctrl keys in combination with the mouse.

Decouples cursor blink state from cursor style.

SET TERMINAL LINE-SPACING floating-point-number
Allows you to choose any line (row) spacing between 1 and 3, such as 1.5, 1.333, 2, etc.

Policy change:

The new command-line options are intended mainly for use in shortcuts and in procedures that make use of Kermit 95. The combination of --maximize and --scalefont gives a fullscreen terminal window of a fixed number of rows and columns.

Kermit 95 2.1.2

Released: 25 November 2002
Supersedes: Version 2.1 of 24 October 2002

Version 2.1.2 was released 25 November 2002 as a minor update to version 2.1. This is the version packaged in the K95 2.1 retail shrinkwrap.

Kermit 95 2.1

Released: 24 October 2002
Supersedes: Version 2.0 of 5 June 2002


K95 2.1 is a minor update of Version 2.0, whose purpose is to fix bugs reported since version 2.0 was released in June 2002 in preparation for shrinkwrapping. The main differences from 2.0 are in the following areas:

CLICK HERE for a more detailed list of changes.

Kermit 95 2.0

Released: 5-7 June 2002
Supersedes: Version 1.1.21 of 2 April 2002


Runs in a GUI Window
For the first time, K95 has all the GUI accoutrements: scrollbar, menubar, toolbar, maximize/restore, font selection, resize by mouse, etc. Details HERE. A console version is available too for those who prefer it.

Other new features of K95 2.0 include:

Version 2.0.1 (7 June 2002 14:00:00 -0500) corrects several minor bugs in version 2.0; see the Kermit 95 Bugs List, items 667-672.

Bugs discovered since version 2.0.1 was released are documented here:

Kermit 95 1.1.21

Released: 2 April 2002
Supersedes: Version 1.1.20 of 31 March 2000.


New features:

  • Kermit 95 is now a fully configurable SSH v1 and v2 client.
  • Also an advanced, fully scriptable, and security-capable FTP client.
  • Plus a scriptable, securable HTTP 1.1 client.

  • New directory structure allowing multiple users on the same computer or file system.
  • Command-window status line.
  • Kermit variables now always use the 8.3 form of the path to avoid space issues with file and directory names: \v(exedir), \v(inidir), \v(startupdir), ...
  • SET PRINTER improvements.
  • CD directory path completion.
  • Broken -M command line option fixed.
  • K95 console now works in CJK versions of Win9x.
  • SET ROOT for confining user to a given directory tree.
  • SET MOUSE DEBUG for debugging mouse actions.
  • SET TERM URL ON/OFF for enabling/disabling URL hotspots.
  • All buffer writes length-checked.
  • Reduced stack requirements of command-parser calls. Deeper script nesting now possible.
  • K95.EXE no longer crashes if SECUR32.DLL is missing on Win9x.

  • SSH V1/V2 (Public Key, Kerberos, SRP) based on OpenSSH 3.0.2p1.
  • HTTP Proxy firewall traversal.
  • SOCKS 4.2 support added for Windows.
  • Support for external SOCKS libraries (ie, Hummingbird).
  • Support for Kerberos 2.x for Windows.
  • Kerberos error handling improvements.
  • Kerberos 5 Rlogin did not allow specification of a username.
  • Kerberos No Address support added.
  • SRP updated to version 1.7.4.
  • K95 now supports SSL/TLS session reuse for Telnet, FTP, and HTTP.
  • OpenSSL updated to a custom version of OpenSSL 0.9.7 development with Kerberos cipher support.
  • Telnet START-TLS / AUTH integration
  • ZLIB compression support for Telnet START-TLS
  • Enabled Kerberos 5 Ticket Forwarding on one-way authenticated Telnet connections.
  • Support for external DLLs to allow user defined credential to userid mapping and user authorization.
  • Support for AIX Trusted Shells.

  • ADM-3A terminal type added.
  • SNI 97801 improvements.
  • SCOANSI keyclick toggle was reversed, fixed.
  • VT420 sequences added to VT320 emulation:
    DECCARA Change Attribute in Rectangular Area
    DECRARA Reverse Attribute in Rectangular Area
    DECCRA Copy Rectangular Area
    DECFRA Fill Rectangular Area
    DECERA Erase Rectangular Area
    DECSERA Selective Erase Rectangular Area
    DECSACE Select Attribute Change Extent
    SU Scroll Up
    SD Scroll Down
    DECDC Delete Column
    DECIC Insert Column
  • Linux terminal emulation improvements to work with the Linux 2.4 kernel.
  • Transparent Printing fixed for ANSI X3.64 terminals.
  • CHT and CBT support added for Pn > 1.
  • K95 now passes VTTEST Screen Alignment Display test.
  • Corrected the Wyse Keyboard Definition Table.
  • IBM-3151 terminal emulation improvements.
  • Added ESC instead of ~ support for Hazeltine terminal emulations.
  • Improved \Kexit implementation (switching between Terminal and Command screens).
  • Improved Alt-Gr key handling on Win9x.
  • Significant improvements in the handling of large console screen buffers on Windows NT/2000/XP.
  • SCOANSI/AT386 support for CSI n G (horizontal positioning) added.
  • The CONNECT command is now asynchronous.

  • RFC 2717 Telnet COM-PORT-CONTROL
  • Telnet, FTP, HTTP, and Kermit command-line personalities added.
  • Compatibility with MS Services for Unix Telnet Service 2.0.
  • DNS SRV requests now require the use of FQDNs.
  • Telnet Forward X improvements.
  • Telnet Debug messages now use combined Hex/ASCII output.
  • Fixed problems with incorrect default echo modes for Telnet sessions
  • Thread safety improvements to Telnet module.

  • New Unicode Compose Key.
  • The TYPE command now works with UTF8/UCS2.
  • Copy/Paste of Unicode text now supported.

  • Support for NTFS Streams.
  • File transfer now works to Windows NT directories with Read/Write/Create but not Modify permission.
  • File transfers to directories in which the current user has Create but not Read privileges is now supported.
  • Improved file transfer performance on serial connections, better handling of timeouts.

  • K95.EXE vs Windows XP default TAPI Location fixed.

  • Connection properties redesigned to reduce the chance of producing an out-of-memory condition in the User Resource Heap in Win9x.
  • SSH and FTP Settings pages added.
  • Dialer now handles paths with spaces.
  • Dialer vs 8-bit + parity fixed.
  • The Dialer couldn't handle %SystemRoot% environment variables (it didn't pass everything through "%s" on output.)

  • WIKSD added for Windows NT/2000/XP.
  • Hostmode script fixes.
  • K95D.EXE had a handle leak which could bring an NT system to a halt.
  • New K95D.EXE switch --nodns to disable reverse DNS lookups.

Kermit 1.1.21 New Features List / The Kermit Project / Columbia University / 25 November 2002