Oct Char     Oct Char     Oct Char     Oct Char

 --- ----     --- ----     --- ----     --- ----

   0 NUL       40 SP       100  @       140  `  

   1 SOH       41  !       101  A       141  a  

   2 STX       42  "       102  B       142  b  

   3 ETX       43  #       103  C       143  c  

   4 EOT       44  $       104  D       144  d  

   5 ENQ       45  %       105  E       145  e  

   6 ACK       46  &       106  F       146  f  

   7 BEL       47  '       107  G       147  g  

  10 BS        50  (       110  H       150  h  

  11 HT        51  )       111  I       151  i  

  12 LF        52  *       112  J       152  j  

  13 VT        53  +       113  K       153  k  

  14 FF        54  ,       114  L       154  l  

  15 CR        55  -       115  M       155  m  

  16 SO        56  .       116  N       156  n  

  17 SI        57  /       117  O       157  o  

  20 DLE       60  0       120  P       160  p  

  21 DC1       61  1       121  Q       161  q  

  22 DC2       62  2       122  R       162  r  

  23 DC3       63  3       123  S       163  s  

  24 DC4       64  4       124  T       164  t  

  25 NAK       65  5       125  U       165  u  

  26 SYN       66  6       126  V       166  v  

  27 ETB       67  7       127  W       167  w  

  30 CAN       70  8       130  X       170  x  

  31 EM        71  9       131  Y       171  y  

  32 SUB       72  :       132  Z       172  z  

  33 ESC       73  ;       133  [       173  {  

  34 FS        74  <       134  \       174  |  

  35 GS        75  =       135  ]       175  }  

  36 RS        76  >       136  ^       176  ~  

  37 US        77  ?       137  _       177 DEL 


 This command will cause Kermit-32 (when in local mode)  to  tell  the

 other  Kermit  (which  should  be in server mode) to exit from Kermit

 and, if applicable, terminate  its  job  (or  process,  etc.).   When

 Kermit-32  receives  the  acknowledgement that this is being done, it

 will exit to VAX/VMS.



 The CONNECT command will  allow  you  to  connect  in  as  a  virtual

 terminal over the line that was specified by the SET LINE command, or

 to the terminal line specified in the  command.   The  terminal  line

 must  be  one  which  is accessible to the users process.  This means

 that the applicable protection code for the terminal must  have  been

 set  to allow your process to access it (done by the system manager).

 If a session log file was previously specified, a new version of  the

 file  will be created, and all type-out logged in the file.  The file

 will  be  closed  when  the  command  is  completed  (by  use  of  an

 escape-character "C" command).  The format of the CONNECT command is:



           Kermit-32>CONNECT terminal-name

 where 'terminal-name' is the terminal line name to be used.

2 Escape_Character

 This character is  used  to  issue  a  limited  set  of  commands  to

 Kermit-32  after  using  the  CONNECT  command.  Its default value is

 CTRL-] (35 octal, ASCII GS) and can be changed  via  the  SET  ESCAPE

 command.   It  is  usually  a  good  idea  to  set  this character to

 something which is not used (or at least not used very much)  on  the

 system  to which Kermit-32 is CONNECTing.  The command that is issued

 is determined by  the  character  that  is  typed  after  the  escape

 character.   The  following  characters  are  recognized by Kermit-32

 after the escape character:

           C - Return to VAX/VMS Kermit-32

           Q - Suspend logging to session log file (if any)

           R - Resume logging to session log file (if any)

           S - Show status

           0 - Send a null

           ?  - Type this text

      CTRL-] - Send escape character

 Any other character will cause Kermit-32 to  ring  the  bell  at  the

 local   terminal.   The  escape-character  S  (show  status)  command

 displays the terminal line being used, the escape character  and  the

 settings of local echo, parity and session logging.

1 Control_Chars

 During a file transfer (GET, RECEIVE or SEND commands) with Kermit-32

 in  local mode the following control characters can be used to affect

 the transfer in progress:

           CTRL-A - Print a brief status report

           CTRL-C - Abort the protocol

           CTRL-D - Turn logging to the debugging log file on/off

           CTRL-M - (or RETURN) Force a protocol timeout

           CTRL-X - Abort the file currently being transferred

           CTRL-Z - Abort the file group currently being transferred

 The CTRL-A status report displays the protocol state and  the  number

 of NAKs sent and received.


 The EXIT command will cause Kermit-32 to  return  to  command  level.

 This  command  is  the  same as the QUIT command.  An example of this

 command is:



 This command will cause Kermit-32 (when in local mode)  to  tell  the

 other  Kermit  (which  should be in server mode) to exit from Kermit.

 After  receiving  the  acknowledgement  that  this  is  being   done,

 Kermit-32 will prompt for another command.



 The GET command is used to have a local mode Kermit-32 request a file

 from  a  remote  Kermit server.  Kermit-32 must be running as a local

 Kermit (i.e., a SET LINE command must  have  been  done).   Kermit-32

 will  then  request the other Kermit (which must be running in server

 mode) to transfer the specified file (or set of files) to  Kermit-32.

 The  file  specification must be in the format of the system on which

 the server Kermit is running.  The format of the command is:

           Kermit-32>GET file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is any valid file specification on  the  system  on

 which the server Kermit is running.


 Typing HELP alone  prints  a  brief  summary  of  Kermit-32  and  its

 commands.  You can also type

           Kermit-32>HELP topic [subtopic]...

 for any Kermit-32 command, e.g.  "help send" or "help set parity"  to

 get more detailed information about a specific command.


 This command allows the user of Kermit-32 to perform various  actions

 on  the  user's  system.   These  commands  provide  for  listing the

 contents of a directory, deleting files, typing files, displaying the

 amount of disk space used, etc.  Many of these commands are performed

 by spawning a subprocess to execute the  corresponding  DCL  command;

 therefore,  the  standard  parameters and qualifiers which DCL allows

 may be used.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL keyword arguments

 Where 'keyword' is the name of the command, and 'arguments'  are  the

 optional arguments for the command.


 This causes Kermit-32 to make a copy of  the  specified  file.   This

 command  uses  the  standard DCL COPY command.  Any options valid for

 DCL's COPY command may be used.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL COPY old-local-file

           New file:  new-local-file

 Where 'old-local-file' is the name of the file you wish to copy,  and

 'new-local-file' is the name for the copy.


 This command (short for "Change Working Directory") causes  Kermit-32

 to  change  the  default  directory that will be used for files whose

 specification does not include the directory  information.   This  is

 similar to the DCL SET DEFAULT command.  If no device or directory is

 given, the default device and directory is set back to that which was

 being used when Kermit-32 was started.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL CWD local-directory-spec


           Kermit-32>LOCAL CWD

 Where 'local-directory-spec' is the device and/or  directory  portion

 of  a  standard  VAX/VMS  file specification.  It may include logical

 names, but not wild-cards.


 This causes Kermit-32 to delete the specified file(s).  This uses the

 standard DCL DELETE command.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL DELETE file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is a valid VAX/VMS file specification.


 This causes Kermit-32 to display a directory listing.  This uses  the

 standard DCL DIRECTORY command.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL DIRECTORY file-spec


           Kermit-32>LOCAL DIRECTORY

 Where 'file-spec' is a valid VAX/VMS file specification.


 This causes Kermit-32 to display the amount of disk  space  used  and

 available  for  the  given  UIC (or the user's UIC if none is given).

 This uses the standard DCL SHOW QUOTA command.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL DISK_USAGE uic


           Kermit-32>LOCAL DISK_USAGE

 Where 'uic' is a UIC specification (in square brackets).  LOCAL SPACE

 is a synonym for the LOCAL DISK_USAGE command.


 This causes Kermit-32 to display the help message which it  sends  as

 the  reply  when  it receives a "REMOTE HELP" command in server mode.

 This describes the REMOTE commands which Kermit-32 implements.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL HELP


 This command requests Kermit-32 to perform the specified  command  as

 if  it  were  typed  by  the  user on a terminal.  Any results of the

 command will be printed on  the  user's  terminal.   Note  that  this

 should only be used for commands which will not require any more user

 input, since there will be no way for the user to interact  with  the

 subprocess to supply more input.  This works by spawning a subprocess

 (much like the DCL SPAWN command) to perform the command.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL HOST command

 Where 'command' is any valid DCL command.


 This command causes Kermit-32 to change the name  of  a  file.   This

 uses the standard DCL RENAME command.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL RENAME old-local-file

           New file:  new-local-file

 Where 'old-local-file' is the name of the file  to  be  renamed,  and

 'new-local-file' is the new name for the file.


 This command causes Kermit-32 to send a short (one line)  message  to

 the  given  terminal.   Because this uses the DCL REPLY command, OPER

 privilege is needed.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL SEND_MESSAGE terminal-name

           Message:  message-text

 Where  'terminal-name'  is  a  valid  name  for   a   terminal,   and

 'message-text' is the message to be sent.


 This causes  Kermit-32  to  display  the  specified  file(s)  on  the


           Kermit-32>LOCAL TYPE file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is a valid VAX/VMS file specification.


 This displays the output of a DCL SHOW SYSTEM command.

           Kermit-32>LOCAL WHO


 The LOG command allows the user to specify the file names to be  used

 for  the  various  log files Kermit-32 is capable of creating.  A LOG

 command without a file specification will cause no log file  of  that

 type to be created.

           Kermit-32>LOG log-type file-spec


           Kermit-32>LOG log-type

 Where 'log-type' is DEBUG, SESSION, or TRANSACTION,  and  'file-spec'

 is  the  file  specification  to  use  for that type of log file.  If

 file-spec does not  specify  a  file-type  Kermit-32  will  supply  a

 default of .LOG.  If 'file-spec' is not present, that type of logging

 is disabled.


 The LOG DEBUG command sets the file specification to be used for  the

 debugging  log file.  This file will be used for the debugging output

 produced when a SET DEBUG ON command is done.  A new version  of  the

 file is created each time a transfer command is performed, and closed

 upon the completion of the transfer command.

           Kermit-32>LOG DEBUG file-spec


           Kermit-32>LOG DEBUG

 Where 'file-spec' is the file specification to use for the  debugging

 log  file.   If file-spec does not specify a file-type Kermit-32 will

 supply a default  of  .LOG.   If  'file-spec'  is  not  present,  the

 debugging log file is disabled.


 The LOG SESSION command sets the file name to be used for a log  file

 of  a  "CONNECT" session.  A new version of this file is created each

 time the CONNECT command is used, and closed when the CONNECT command

 finishes  (as  a  result of the escape command to close the session).

 All output to the controlling terminal will be logged in the  session

 log file.

           Kermit-32>LOG SESSION file-spec


           Kermit-32>LOG SESSION

 Where 'file-spec' is the file specification to use  for  the  session

 log  file.   If file-spec does not specify a file-type Kermit-32 will

 supply a default of .LOG.  If 'file-spec' is not present, the session

 log file is disabled.


 The LOG TRANSACTION command sets the name of the file to be used as a

 transaction  log  file.   A  new version of this file is created each

 time  a  transfer  command  is  given  (SEND,  GET,  SERVER,   etc.).

 Information about the transfer is logged in this file.  This includes

 the names of the files being transferred, any errors, etc.

           Kermit-32>LOG TRANSACTION file-spec


           Kermit-32>LOG TRANSACTION

 Where  'file-spec'  is  the  file  specification  to  use   for   the

 transaction  log  file.   If  file-spec  does not specify a file-type

 Kermit-32 will supply a default  of  .LOG.   If  'file-spec'  is  not

 present, the transaction log file is disabled.


 This command will cause Kermit-32 (when in local mode)  to  tell  the

 other  Kermit  (which  should  be in server mode) to exit from Kermit

 and, if applicable, terminate  its  job  (or  process,  etc.).   When

 Kermit-32  receives  the  acknowledgement that this is being done, it

 will prompt for another command.


1 Notes

 Kermit-32 knows how to handle most standard file types.  However,  it

 does not properly handle "stream" files.  You will probably find that

 stream files that contain binary data will  confuse  Kermit-32,  very

 likely  causing  buffer overflows.  You may be able to get around the

 problem by SET FILE TYPE BLOCK, but there is no  guarantee  the  file

 will get through unscathed.  Your best option would be to convert any

 stream files to another type before transferring them.

 FILE TYPE BLOCK causes Kermit to  do  Block  I/O  operations  ($READ,

 $WRITE),  instead  of  the  normal RMS $GET and $PUT operations.  Any

 file can be transferred using Block I/O, but the  record  information

 will be lost.

 When reading a file (any file type that Kermit-32 understands), it is

 not  necessary  to tell Kermit what the file type is.  When writing a

 file, be sure  to  set  FILE  TYPE  BINARY  or  FILE  TYPE  FIXED  as

 appropriate if the file is not a text file.


 The PUSH command spawns a DCL subprocess which allows you to interact

 with DCL without exiting Kermit-32.


 This command will cause Kermit-32 to return to command  level.   This

 is the same as the EXIT command.



 The RECEIVE command is used to put Kermit-32 into remote mode waiting

 for  a  single file transfer transaction.  This is most useful if the

 other Kermit does not support local  server  commands.   If  no  file

 specification   is   given,   Kermit-32   will   use   whatever  file

 specification is supplied by the other Kermit  (suitably  altered  to

 conform  to  VAX/VMS  standards).   If a file specification is given,

 Kermit-32 will use that file specification instead of  that  supplied

 by  the  other Kermit.  This is most useful when the file name on the

 other system is such that it does not map well into  a  VAX/VMS  file

 specification.   Note  that  if  the other Kermit sends more than one

 file, the same name will be used for all of them.  Only  the  version

 numbers   will  be  different.   Therefore,  it  is  best  to  use  a

 file-specification on this command only when  transferring  a  single

 file.  The format of the command is:



           Kermit-32>RECEIVE file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is any valid VAX/VMS file specification.


 This command allows the user of Kermit-32 (in  local  mode)  to  give

 various  commands to the other Kermit (which must be in server mode).

 These commands provide for  listing  the  contents  of  a  directory,

 deleting  files,  typing  files,  displaying the amount of disk space

 used, etc.  Note that not all server Kermits  support  all  commands,

 but  all  server  Kermits  should  respond  with a message saying the

 command is not implemented if it does not support it.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE keyword arguments

 Where 'keyword' is the name of the command, and 'arguments'  are  the

 optional arguments for the command.


 This causes Kermit-32 to request that the server Kermit make  a  copy

 of  the  specified file.  Both the old and new files are files on the

 server's system - no file transfer  between  systems  is  done.   The

 server  Kermit  should  respond  with some indication that either the

 file was successfully copied, or with an error  message.   Note  that

 some  versions  of Kermit will allow wild-carded copies, while others

 will only allow a single file to be copied per command.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE COPY old-remote-file

           New file:  new-remote-file

 Where 'old-remote-file' is the name of the file you wish to copy, and

 'new-remote-file' is the name for the copy.


 This command (short for "Change Working Directory") causes  Kermit-32

 to request that the server Kermit change the default directory (path,

 device, etc.) that will be used for files  whose  specification  does

 not  include  the directory information.  For some systems a password

 can be supplied which will allow access to the new directory.   Since

 Kermit-32 can not know whether the server Kermit requires a password,

 it will always ask for one.  If no  directory  is  specified  in  the

 command, the server Kermit will set the default directory back to the

 users default.  This may be either the directory which is the default

 when a job created, or the default directory which was in effect when

 the server Kermit was started.  The server Kermit should respond with

 a  message  which  indicates where the new default directory has been

 set, or with an error message.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE CWD remote-directory-spec

           Password:  password for remote directory


           Kermit-32>REMOTE CWD

 Where 'remote-directory-spec' is a string which is  acceptable  as  a

 directory specification for the server system.  The 'password' is any

 string which is required as  a  password  for  access  to  the  given

 directory.  The password will not be echoed.


 This causes Kermit-32 to request the  server  Kermit  to  delete  the

 specified  file  (or  files  if  the server Kermit supports wild-card

 deletes).  The server Kermit should respond with a message indicating

 whether the file (or files) has been deleted.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE DELETE file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is  a  valid  file  specification  for  the  remote

 Kermit's system.


 This causes Kermit-32 to request a directory listing from the  server

 Kermit.  The directory listing will be printed on the users terminal.

 The format of the listing is determined by the server Kermit.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE DIRECTORY file-spec


           Kermit-32>REMOTE DIRECTORY

 Where 'file-spec' is  a  valid  file  specification  for  the  server

 Kermit's system.


 This causes Kermit-32 to request the server Kermit to reply  with  an

 indication  of  the  amount  of disk space used and available for the

 given directory (or the default directory if none is given).

           Kermit-32>REMOTE DISK_USAGE directory-spec


           Kermit-32>REMOTE DISK_USAGE

 Where 'directory-spec' is a directory specification  for  the  server

 Kermit's system.  REMOTE SPACE is a synonym for the REMOTE DISK_USAGE



 This command is identical to the FINISH  command.   It  requests  the

 server  Kermit  to  exit  to  its system command parser, allowing the

 terminal to be used for normal commands.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE EXIT


 This causes Kermit-32 to request the server Kermit to  reply  with  a

 short  summary  of  what  commands it supports in server mode.  If an

 argument is given, help on the  specific  topic  is  requested.   The

 resulting help message will be typed on the users terminal.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE HELP


           Kermit-32>REMOTE HELP topic

 Where 'topic' is a subject for more detailed help.  If  no  topic  is

 given, a general help message is requested.


 This command requests the server  Kermit  to  perform  the  specified

 command  as  if it were typed by the user on a terminal.  Any results

 of the command will be printed on the  user's  terminal.   Note  that

 this should only be used for commands which will not require any more

 user input, since there will be no way for the user to interact  with

 the remote system to supply more input.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE HOST command

 Where 'command' is any valid command to be processed  by  the  remote

 systems standard command parser.


 This command allows  the  user  to  supply  the  server  Kermit  with

 accounting  information.   The server Kermit may use this to validate

 the users access to the system as well as for billing  purposes.   It

 may  also  use  this  information  to provide the user with access to

 files on its system.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE LOGIN user-id

           Account:  remote-accounting-info

           Password:  remote-password

 Where  'user-id'  is  a  string  which  represents   a   valid   user

 identification  on the remote system, 'remote-accounting-info' is any

 additional accounting information required by the remote system (such

 as  account  strings),  and 'remote-password' is the password for the

 remote system which corresponds to the given 'user-id'.  The password

 will not be echoed.


 This command is the same as the LOGOUT command.  It will request  the

 server Kermit to exit and logout its job.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE LOGOUT


 This command causes Kermit-32  to  request  that  the  server  Kermit

 change  the name of a file.  The server Kermit should respond with an

 indication that the operation is completed successfully, or else with

 an  error  message.   Some version of Kermit may allow wild-card file

 specifications to be used, and will respond with a list of files  and

 new names.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE RENAME old-remote-file

           New file:  new-remote-file

 Where 'old-remote-file' is the name of the file to  be  renamed,  and

 'new-remote-file' is the new name for the file.


 This command requests the server Kermit to send a  short  (one  line)

 message  to  the  given  destination.   Depending  on the system, the

 destination may be a terminal, a user name, a mailbox  name  or  some

 other  destination address.  The server Kermit should respond with an

 indication of success or failure.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE SEND_MESSAGE destination-address

           Message:  message-text

 Where 'destination-address' is a valid destination for  the  server's

 system, and 'message-text' is the message to be sent.


 This requests the status of the server  Kermit.   The  server  Kermit

 will reply with some indication of its status.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE STATUS


 This causes Kermit-32 to request the server Kermit  to  transmit  the

 specified  file  (or files if the server supports wild-cards) so that

 the file(s) can be typed on the users terminal.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE TYPE file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is  a  valid  file  specification  for  the  server

 Kermit's system.


 This requests the server Kermit to display a list  of  users  of  its

 system,  along  with other information about the users and/or system.

 A specific user-id may be supplied, which may result in more detailed

 information about the particular user.  It is also possible to supply

 options for use by the server Kermit in determining the format, etc.,

 of the resulting list.

           Kermit-32>REMOTE WHO user-id

           Options:  options-list

 Where 'user-id' is an optional string representing a  specific  user,

 and  'options-list'  is  an  optional list of formatting or selection



 The SEND command will allow you  to  send  a  file(s)  to  the  other

 Kermit.   The SEND command will allow file wild-card processing as is

 found in VAX/VMS.  If Kermit-32 is running in remote mode,  the  file

 will  be  sent  on  the  controlling  terminal line after waiting the

 number of seconds specified by the SET DELAY command.  This gives the

 user  time  to  escape  back  to the other Kermit and issue a receive

 command.  If Kermit-32 is running in local mode,  the  file  will  be

 sent  immediately  on  the  terminal  line  specified by the SET LINE


           Kermit-32>SEND file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is any valid VAX/VMS file specification.


 This command will cause Kermit-32 to enter server  mode.   The  other

 Kermit  can  then  issue  server  commands  to send and receive files

 without having  to  give  SEND  or  RECEIVE  commands  to  Kermit-32.

 Kermit-32  may  be  put  into  SERVER  mode while running as either a

 remote Kermit (transmitting over the controlling terminal  line),  or

 as  a  local  Kermit (transmitting over a terminal specified by a SET

 LINE command).  Note that in order to correctly receive binary  files

 while  in  SERVER  mode,  a SET FILE TYPE BINARY command must be done

 first.  At this time there is  no  way  for  Kermit-32  to  determine

 whether an incoming file is ASCII or binary.



 The SET command is used to set various parameters in Kermit-32.


 The SET BLOCK_CHECK_TYPE command is used to  determine  the  type  of

 block  check  sequence  which  will be used during transmission.  The

 block check sequence is used to detect  transmission  errors.   There

 are  three  types  of  block  checks available.  These are the single

 character checksum (default), the two  character  checksum,  and  the

 three character CRC (cyclic redundancy check).  This command does not

 ensure that the desired type of block check will be used, since  both

 Kermit  programs  involved  in  the  transfer must agree on the block

 check type.  Kermit-32 will request that the type of block check  set

 by this command be used for a transfer.  If the other Kermit has also

 had the same block check type requested, then the desired block check

 type  will be used.  Otherwise, the single character checksum will be

 used.  (See Kermit protocol manual for more information.)

           Kermit-32>SET BLOCK_CHECK_TYPE type

 Where 'type' is one of:





 The SET DEBUGGING command is used to set the debug  type-out  on  the

 user's  terminal.  The command will accept either of the states ON or

 OFF.  Kermit-32 can only do debugging  type-out  when  running  as  a

 local  Kermit (SET LINE command done).  This is because the debugging

 type-out would interfere with the file transfer if it  were  sent  to

 the controlling terminal line in remote mode.

           Kermit-32>SET DEBUGGING state

 Where 'state' is either ON or OFF.


 The DELAY parameter is the number of seconds to wait  before  sending

 data  after  a SEND command is given.  This is used when Kermit-32 is

 running in remote mode to allow the user time to escape back  to  the

 other Kermit and give a RECEIVE command.

           Kermit-32>SET DELAY n

 Where 'n' is the number of seconds to wait before sending data.


 This  command  will  set  the  escape  character  for   the   CONNECT

 processing.   The  command will take the octal value of the character

 to use as the escape character.  This is the character which is  used

 to  "escape"  back  to Kermit-32 after using the CONNECT command.  It

 defaults to 35 octal (ASCII GS, CTRL-]).

 It is usually a good idea to set this character to something which is

 not  used  (or  at  least  not used very much) on the system to which

 Kermit-32 is CONNECTing.

           Kermit-32>SET ESCAPE octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 character to use as the escape character.


 The SET FILE command allows setting of  parameters  relating  to  the

 file format and file naming conventions used by Kermit-32.


 This  command  sets  the  record  size  to  be  used  when   creating

 (receiving) files in either BINARY or FIXED mode.

           Kermit-32>SET FILE BLOCKSIZE n

 Where 'n' is the record size in  bytes.   The  default  is  512  byte



 This command sets the type of processing Kermit-32 should do on  file

 names  that  are  being sent and received.  Kermit-32 can either send

 the complete file specification (including device, directories,  file

 name,  file  type and version number) or only the file name and type.

 When receiving a file specification, Kermit-32 can either attempt  to

 use  it  as a VAX/VMS file specification as is, or first perform some

 substitutions  and  truncations  in  order  to  force  the   received

 specification to be just a valid file name and type.

           Kermit-32>SET FILE NAMING type

 Where 'type' is either FULL, NORMAL_FORM or UNTRANSLATED.


 This will cause Kermit-32 to send complete  file  specifications  and

 perform no translations on received file specifications.


 This will cause Kermit-32 to send only the file name and  file  type,

 and  perform  translations  on  received file specifications to force

 them to be only a valid file name and type.


 This will cause Kermit-32 to send only the file name and  file  type,

 and perform no translations on received file specifications.


 This command will set the file type that Kermit-32 is  receiving.   A

 file  type of ASCII should be used to receive text files which are to

 be used as text files on the VAX/VMS system.  The  file  type  BINARY

 should  be used for binary files, such as CP/M .COM files, which need

 to be kept in a format that allows the file to  be  returned  without

 any changes.

           Kermit-32>SET FILE TYPE type

 Where 'type' is either ASCII, BINARY, BLOCK or FIXED.


 File type ASCII is for text files.


 File type BINARY is for non-text files.  Note that binary files which

 are  generated  on  a VAX/VMS system cannot be transferred to another

 VAX/VMS system without losing file attributes.


 File type BLOCK causes Kermit to  do  Block  I/O  operations  ($READ,

 $WRITE),  instead  of  the  normal RMS $GET and $PUT operations.  Any

 file can be transferred using Block I/O, but the  record  information

 will be lost.

 This type is most useful when a file has a set  of  attributes  which

 would  generate  extra  characters when kermit transmits a line.  One

 such example would be a file with the record attribute  of  "Carriage

 return carriage control" and a record format of FIXED or STREAM.

 Type BINARY would normally add a <CR><LF> at the end of  each  record

 transmitted;  type  BLOCK  will  transmit the file as it is stored on

 disk, including record length counts or record seperators imbedded in

 the file, without regard for record boundaries.


 The FIXED file type will cause Kermit-32 to create a file with  fixed

 length  records,  containing  only  the  data received from the other

 Kermit.  Unless specified with the SET  FILE  BLOCKSIZE  command  the

 file  will be created with 512 byte records.  This format can be used

 for transferring VAX/VMS .EXE files or RSX-11/M (P/OS) .TSK files, or

 any other binary file which is stored in fixed length record format.


 Sets the half duplex line turnaround  handshake  character  Kermit-32

 will  use.   Normally  required  for  communication  with half duplex

 systems like IBM mainframes.

           Kermit-32>SET HANDSHAKE octal-char-value


           Kermit-32>SET HANDSHAKE NONE

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 character to use for the handshake character.  The SET HANDSHAKE NONE

 command turns handshaking off.


 The SET IBM_MODE command allows Kermit-32 to be put into a mode which

 will  allow  transfers to an IBM host.  This causes Kermit-32 to wait

 for the IBM turnaround character (XON,  CTRL-Q)  before  sending  any

 characters to the other Kermit.  It also forces the parity type to be

 mark, and turns on local echo for the CONNECT command.

           Kermit-32>SET IBM_MODE state

 Where 'state' is either ON or OFF.


 The  SET  INCOMPLETE_FILE_DISPOSITION  command  allows  the  user  to

 determine  what  is done with a file that is not completely received.

 If the disposition is KEEP, all files received will be kept, even  if

 only  a  portion  of  the  file  is  received.  If the disposition is

 DISCARD (the default), files which are not  completely  received  are


           Kermit-32>SET INCOMPLETE_FILE_DISPOSITION action

 Where 'action' is either DISCARD or KEEP.


 This will set the terminal line that you  are  using.   The  terminal

 line  must  be  one  which  is accessible to the users process.  This

 means that the applicable protection code for the terminal must  have

 been  set  to  allow  your  process  to access it (done by the system


           Kermit-32>SET LINE terminal-name

 The 'terminal-name' device must be a terminal line (e.g.  TTA0:).


 The SET LOCAL_ECHO command specifies  whether  characters  should  be

 echoed  locally  when CONNECTing to another system.  If LOCAL_ECHO is

 set to ON, any  character  typed  on  the  terminal  will  be  echoed

 immediately  to  the  terminal,  as  well  as being sent to the other

 system.  If LOCAL_ECHO is set to OFF (the  default),  the  characters

 typed  on the terminal are only sent to the other system (which would

 normally be echoing the characters).

           Kermit-32>SET LOCAL_ECHO state

 Where 'state' is either ON or OFF.


 This command sets the type  of  type-out  Kermit-32  will  do  during

 transfers   in   local   mode.   Kermit-32  can  type  out  the  file

 specification being transferred, the packet numbers  being  sent  and

 received,   both   or   neither.    The   default  is  to  type  file

 specifications but not packet numbers.

           Kermit-32>SET MESSAGE type state

 Where 'type' is either FILE or PACKET, and 'state' is  either  ON  or



 This command determines the type of parity to use on the transmission

 line.  Kermit-32 normally uses characters which consist of eight data

 bits with no parity bit.  For systems  or  transmission  media  which

 require  a  specific  parity  type,  Kermit-32 can send characters as

 seven data bits plus a parity bit.

           Kermit-32>SET PARITY state

 Where 'state' is one of:

  o  NONE (default) - eight data bits and no parity bit.

  o  MARK - seven data bits with the parity bit set to one.

  o  SPACE - seven data bits with the parity bit set to zero.

  o  EVEN - seven data bits with  the  parity  bit  set  to  make  the

     overall parity even.

  o  ODD - seven data bits with the parity bit set to make the overall

     parity odd.


 This command sets the string to be used for the command  prompt.   If

 no argument is given, the default prompt (Kermit-32>) is used.

           Kermit-32>SET PROMPT new-prompt-text


           Kermit-32>SET PROMPT

 Where 'new-prompt-text' is the new prompt to use.


 It  is  possible  to  set  various  parameters  associated  with  the

 receiving  of  the  data  from  the  remote Kermit.  SET RECEIVE will

 enable you to set the various receive parameters.


 This will set the end of line  character  the  Kermit-32  expects  to

 receive  from  the  remote  Kermit.   This  is  the  character  which

 terminates a packet.  The parameter must be an octal  number  in  the

 range 1 to 37.  The default value is 15 octal (ASCII CR, CTRL-M).

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE END_OF_LINE octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 character to use for the end of line character.


 This command sets the character to be used (when necessary) to  quote

 characters  which have the eighth bit (parity bit) set.  This is used

 to transfer eight-bit bytes  on  a  transmission  medium  which  only

 supports  seven  data bits.  The parameter must be an octal number in

 the range 41 to 76 or 140 to 176.  The  default  value  is  46  octal

 (ASCII  "&").   Eighth-bit  quoting  will only be used if both Kermit

 programs can handle it, and the transmission medium does not transmit

 8 data bits (as indicated by the SET PARITY command).

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE EIGHT_BIT_QUOTE octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 character  to  use  for  quoting characters which have the eighth bit



 This will  set  the  receive  packet  length.   The  value  for  this

 parameter  must  be  between  10 and 1000.  Packet lengths outside of

 this range are illegal.  The default value is 80.

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE PACKET_LENGTH n

 Where 'n' is the receive packet length to use.


 This parameter is the padding character that is sent  to  the  remote

 Kermit.   The  parameter must be an octal number in the range of 0 to

 37 or 177.  The default value is 0 (ASCII NUL, CTRL-@).

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE PADCHAR octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 character to be used as a pad character.


 This command will set the number of padding characters that  will  be

 sent to the other Kermit.  The default value is 0.

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE PADDING n

 Where 'n' is the number of padding characters to use.


 This will set the quoting character that  Kermit-32  will  expect  on

 incoming  messages.   This  is  the  character  used to quote control

 characters.  The parameter must be an octal number in the range 40 to

 176.  The default value is 43 octal (ASCII "#").

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE QUOTE octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value' is the ASCII value (in octal) of the quoting



 This command will set the start of packet  character  for  Kermit-32.

 The  start of packet character must be in the range of 1 to 37 octal.

 The default value is 1 (ASCII SOH, CTRL-A).  This value  should  only

 be  changed if absolutely necessary.  It must be set the same in both

 Kermit programs.

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE START_OF_PACKET octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value' is the ASCII value (in octal) of the receive

 start-of-packet character to use.


 This will set the number of seconds before Kermit-32  will  time  out

 the  attempt  to  receive a message.  This time out is used to handle

 transmission errors which totally lose a message.  The default  value

 is 15 seconds.

           Kermit-32>SET RECEIVE TIMEOUT n

 Where 'n' is the number of seconds to wait for a message.


 This command sets the character to be used as the  lead-in  character

 for  a  repeat sequence (a string of characters which represents some

 number of characters which are repeated in the  data).   Both  Kermit

 programs  must  support  repeat compression for this to be in effect.

 The parameter must be an octal number in the range 41 to 76 or 140 to

 176.  The default value is 176 octal (ASCII "~").  The character will

 only be used on files which are being transmitted by Kermit-32.   The

 REPEAT_QUOTE  character  used for incoming files is decided on by the

 other Kermit.  A value of 40 octal  (a  space)  will  disable  repeat


           Kermit-32>SET REPEAT_QUOTE octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value' is the ASCII value (in octal) for the repeat

 quoting character.


 This command sets the maximum number of times Kermit-32 should try to

 send  specific  packets.   There  are two retry maximums, one for the

 initial connection packet (the "SEND-INIT"), the other for all  other

 packets.   The  default  value  for  initial  connections  is 5.  The

 default value for all other packets is 16.

           Kermit-32>SET RETRY type n

 Where 'type' is either  INITIAL_CONNECTION  (for  initial  connection

 packet)  or  PACKET (for all other packets), and 'n' is the number of

 retries (in decimal) to attempt.


 It  is  possible  to  set  various  parameters  associated  with  the

 receiving  of  the data from the remote Kermit.  SET SEND will enable

 you to set the various SEND parameters.  These parameters should  not

 normally be set, since as part of the transfer initialization process

 the two Kermit  programs  exchange  their  RECEIVE  parameters.   The

 capability  of  setting  these  parameters  is  provided  so that the

 transfer  initialization  can  be  completed  even  if  the   default

 parameters are not correct.


 This will set the end of line character the Kermit-32  will  send  to

 the  remote Kermit.  This is the character which terminates a packet.

 The parameter must be an octal number in the  range  1  to  37.   The

 default value is 15 octal (ASCII CR, CTRL-M).

           Kermit-32>SET SEND END_OF_LINE octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 character to use for the end of line character.


 This will set the SEND packet length.  The value for  this  parameter

 must  be  between  10 and 1000.  Packet lengths outside of this range

 are illegal.  The default value is 80.

           Kermit-32>SET SEND PACKET_LENGTH n

 Where 'n' is the send packet length to use.


 This parameter is the padding character that is sent  to  the  remote

 Kermit.   The  parameter must be an octal number in the range of 0 to

 37 or 177.  The default value is 0 (ASCII NUL, CTRL-@).

           Kermit-32>SET SEND PADCHAR octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 character to be used as a pad character.


 This command will set the number of padding characters that  will  be

 sent to the other Kermit.  The default value is 0.

           Kermit-32>SET SEND PADDING n

 Where 'n' is the number of padding characters to use.


 This will set the quoting character that  Kermit-32  will  expect  on

 incoming  messages.   This  is  the  character  used to quote control

 characters.  The parameter must be an octal number in the range 40 to

 176.  The default value is 43 octal (ASCII "#").

           Kermit-32>SET SEND QUOTE octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value' is the ASCII value (in octal) of the quoting



 This command will set the start of packet  character  for  Kermit-32.

 The  start of packet character must be in the range of 1 to 37 octal.

 The default value is 1 (ASCII SOH, CTRL-A).  This value  should  only

 be  changed if absolutely necessary.  It must be set the same in both

 Kermit programs.

           Kermit-32>SET SEND START_OF_PACKET octal-char-value

 Where 'octal-char-value'  is  the  ASCII  value  (in  octal)  of  the

 start-of-packet character to use.


 This will set the number of seconds before Kermit-32 will time out  a

 message  it  has  sent to the other Kermit.  This time out is used to

 handle transmission errors which totally lose a message.  The default

 value is 15 seconds.

           Kermit-32>SET SEND TIMEOUT n

 Where 'n' is the number of seconds to wait for a message.


 This specifies the number of seconds between timeouts  during  server

 command  wait.   A value of 0 specifies that no timeouts should occur

 during server command wait.  When a Kermit server times out, it sends

 a  NAK  packet.   Some  systems cannot clear piled-up NAKs from their

 input buffers; if you're using such a system to  communicate  with  a

 Kermit-32  server,  and  you expect to be leaving the server idle for

 long periods of time, you should use this command to turn off  server

 command-wait timeouts.

           Kermit-32>SET SERVER_TIMEOUT n

 Where 'n' is the number of seconds between server timeouts.


 It is possible to set  a  few  parameters  associated  with  the  raw

 TRANSMIT  command  that vary both what the user sees on the screen as

 well as the speed of the transmit.


 This parameter is the amount of time to  delay  after  each  carriage

 return  is  transmitted.   Valid  delay  values  range between 0 (the

 default) and 9 tenths of a second.  The format of the command is:

           Kermit-32>SET TRANSMIT DELAY d

 Where 'd' is a single decimal digit representing tenths of a second.

 Some remote hosts may not be able to receive the characters  as  fast

 as  Kermit-32  can send them.  The TRANSMIT DELAY can be used to slow

 up the transfer by adding a slight delay after each line is sent.

 The transfer also runs slower if the transmit echo  is  on,  and  the

 remote  system is echoing the characters as it receives them.  If the

 transmit delay is set to 9 tenths of a second, the remote  system  is

 echoing  characters,  the  transmit echo is on, and the remote system

 still cannot keep up, then the connection should be made at a  slower

 baud rate.

 Conversely, the file transfer speed can be increased by:  setting the

 delay  to 0 and the echo off, stopping the remote system from echoing

 the characters it receives, and connecting at higher baud rates.


 This command controls what the user sees on  the  screen  during  the

 file transfer.  The format of the command is:

           Kermit-32>SET TRANSMIT ECHO state

 Where 'state' is either ON or OFF.

 By default, the transmit echo is left  off  and  the  user  sees  the

 number  of  each  line  after it has been transmitted.  With transmit

 echo on, the user sees whatever the remote system would normally echo

 back to him while he is typing in a file.  Note that turning the echo

 on typically slows the file transfer down.


 The SHOW command will allow you to show the various  parameters  that

 are set with the SET command.


 The SHOW ALL command will cause all of the parameters to be listed.


 This command will  type  out  what  type  of  block  check  is  being



 This  command  will  type  out  the   communications   line   related

 parameters.   This  includes the terminal line being used, the parity

 type, etc.


 The SHOW DEBUGGING command will print  the  state  of  the  debugging



 This will display the number of seconds delay that Kermit-32 will use

 before attempting to send or receive a file.


 This will display  the  current  escape  character  for  the  CONNECT



 This will display the parameters related to files being  used.   This

 includes the file type and the incomplete file disposition.


 This will display the disposition of incompletely received files.


 This command displays the terminal line that will be used for CONNECT

 and file transfers commands.


 This will display the status of the local echo flag.


 This will display the current settings of the send and receive packet



 This will display the current parity setting.


 The current values of the RECEIVE parameters will be displayed on the

 user's  terminal.   Only  the  parameters  that  can  be  set will be



 This command will show the maximum number of retries  that  Kermit-32

 will attempt to send a message to the remote Kermit.


 All of the send parameters will be displayed on the user's terminal.


 All of  the  timing  parameters  will  be  displayed  on  the  user's



 This will display the parameters related to the TRANSMIT command.


 Displays the version number of Kermit-32 in use.

1 Startup


 When  Kermit-32  is  first  invoked  it  will  attempt  to  use   the

 translation of the logical name KER$COMM as the default terminal line

 for external communications.


 When Kermit-32 is first invoked it looks for a file specified by  the

 VMSKERMIT  logical  name assignment to use as an initialization file.

 If this file does not exist  Kermit-32  looks  for  a  file  in  your

 default directory with the name VMSKERMIT.INI.

 If either of the above cases is true Kermit-32 will use this file  as

 a startup command file.

 If the file does not exist Kermit-32 starts up in the default state.

 For instance, placing the following two lines  in  the  startup  file

 would simplify using Kermit-32's large packet capability.




 The current status of Kermit-32 will be displayed.  This includes the

 number of characters that have been sent and received from the remote

 Kermit.  Also included is an estimate of the effective baud  rate  of

 the  transfer.   This number is not intended to be exact, but only an

 indication of what range of throughput has been provided.


 The TAKE  command  tells  Kermit-32  to  execute  commands  from  the

 specified file.  You may also use the VAX/VMS notation "@" instead of

 Take to specify a command file.

           Kermit-32>TAKE file-spec


           Kermit-32>TAKE file-spec /DISPLAY

 Where 'file-spec' is  any  normal  VAX/VMS  file  specification.   If

 file-spec  does  not  specify  a  file-type  Kermit-32  will supply a

 default of .COM.  The /DISPLAY option causes the commands  read  from

 the file to be displayed on the user's terminal.


 The TRANSMIT command will allow you to transmit a file(s)  to  remote

 systems  that  do  not  have Kermit available.  Note that there is no

 error checking or packets involved in this method of  file  transfer.

 The format of the command is:

           Kermit-32>TRANSMIT file-spec

 Where 'file-spec' is any valid VAX/VMS file specification.

 This command does a raw transmit of an ASCII file, one character at a

 time,  with carriage returns (no line-feeds) at the end of each line.

 It is used with Kermit-32 in local mode.  The user must first prepare

 the  remote  host  to receive the file by starting an edit session in

 input mode.  Then the user can escape back to Kermit-32 and issue the

 TRANSMIT  command.   After  the  transmit  is finished, the user then

 CONNECTs back to the remote host again and ends the edit session.

2 Control_Characters

 During a file transmit, the following control characters can be  used

 to affect the transfer in progress:

           CTRL-C - Abort the transmit

           CTRL-X - Abort the file currently being transmitted

           CTRL-Z - Abort the file group currently being transmitted

2 Delay

 Some remote hosts may not be able to receive the characters  as  fast

 as  Kermit-32  can  send them.  The SET TRANSMIT DELAY command can be

 used to slow up the transfer by adding a slight delay after each line

 is sent.

 The transfer also runs slower if the transmit echo  is  on,  and  the

 remote  system is echoing the characters as it receives them.  If the

 transmit delay is set to 9 tenths of a second, the remote  system  is

 echoing  characters,  the  transmit echo is on, and the remote system

 still cannot keep up, then the connection should be made at a  slower

 baud rate.

 Conversely, the file transfer speed can be increased by:  setting the

 delay  to 0 and the echo off, stopping the remote system from echoing

 the characters it receives, and connecting at higher baud rates.

2 Echo

 The SET TRANSMIT ECHO command controls what  the  user  sees  on  the

 screen  during  the  file transfer.  With transmit echo off, the user

 sees the number of each line after it  has  been  transmitted.   With

 transmit  echo  on,  the  user  sees whatever the remote system would

 normally echo back to the user while he is typing in a file.