CPAAAA.HLP 23 April 1991 Version 4.11 of Kermit-80 is a development of the previous release 4.09, changed to add more features. Much of the system-dependent code is as it was in Version 4.09. The names of the files for Version 4.11 follow a fixed convention. They all have the form CPaxxx.bbb In these names: "a" is one of A for general information K for documentation and beware files S for system independent files X for system-dependent source files V for system-dependent hex files "xxx" is used to identify unique files used "bbb" is the file extention, usually one of: ASM for source files HEX for pre-assembled modules or completeprograms (eg LASM.HEX is the assembler) HLP for help files BWR for beware files ANN for notes TXT for pure text files DOC as for TXT MSS SCRIBE sources files (for document files.) CPKFET.* is a bootstrapping procedure that can be used if you have no other way to download the new files. Version 4.11 may be assembled and linked with LASM and MLOAD, respectively, or it may be assembled with the M80 assembler. It is also possible to assemble the source files on an IBM PC or clone using the Z80MU CP/M V2.2 and Z80 emulator, itself running the LASM or M80 assembler. (Using Z80MU is very useful if your target systems does not have enough disk space for all the source files.) CP/M Kermit Version 4.11 is built from the sources in the same manner as was CP/M Kermit Version 4.09. LASM and MLOAD may be found in the Kermit distribution. The M80 assembler is a Microsoft product, and you have to pay good money for it. **Note** The overlay address has been moved to 7000H to make room for the added code in this version of CP/M Kermit. Currently, the code for a number of systems has been upgraded from version 4.09. The particular system is indicated in filenames by the "xxx" part: codes currently in use are: APP Apple II with Z80 card - with Micromodem in slot 2 - with 6551 and 6850 UARTs - with CP Multifunction card BBI Kaypro, Bigboard, Xerox 820 and Ampro Little Board systems CIF Cifer 1886 using the VL: or AL ports as TTY:Line. (Use &set to set ttyi: and ttyo: to the VL: or AL:port) Choice of CP/M V2.2 or 3.0 ("PLUS") HEA Heath systms (Heath 8 with quad IO interface board) Telcon ZORBA PCW Amstrad PCW 8256 and 8152 as well as CP/M-plus on CPC 6128 NOR Northstar Advantage Northstar Horizon (Several: labels in CPXTYP are: BASICNS NORTHS HORIZON Comart Communicator. This is included as it is somewhat similar to the Northstar Horizon. TOR Superbrain (Main and Aux port versions.. assumes MicroMods add-ons) Torch systems (runs ok on Unicorn-5 under CP/M) Ithaca Intersystems series machines using the VIO card. (PCI 2651 USARTS) NCR DecisionMate V systems as well as another half dozen single system only family files. The total list of systems supported so far is: System supported in CP/M-80 Kermit V4.11 (and growing!) Label .HEX File For system ============================================================================ ACCESS CPVACC Access Matrix ADVANT CPVADV Northstar Advantage AMPRO CPVAMP Ampro Little Board (terminal required) AP6551 CPVAPL Apple II, Z80 Softcard, 6551 ACIA in serial Interface AP6850 CPVA65 Apple II, Z80 Softcard, 6850 ACIA in Serial Interface APMMDM CPVAPM Apple II, Z80 Softcard, Micromodem II in slot 2 APCPS CPVCPS Apple II, Z80 Softcard, with CPS multifunction card BASICNS CPVBNS Northstar Horizon (terminal required) BBC CPVBBC Acorn "BBC" computer with Acorn Z80 second processor BBII CPVBB2 BigBoard II (terminal required) MBEE CPVBEE Microbee Systems Ltd Microbee (56K, 64K, 128K & 256K) BRAINM CPVBRM Intertec Superbrain using the main port BRAINA CPVBRA Intertec Superbrain using the Aux port CIFER2 CPVCIF Cifer 1886 using the VL: Serial port and CP/M V2.2 CIFER3 CPVCI3 Cifer 1886 using the VL: Serial port and CP/M V3.0 CIFER2 CPVCA2 Cifer 1886 using the AUX: Serial port and CP/M V2.2 CIFER3 CPVCA3 Cifer 1886 using the AUX: Serial port and CP/M V3.0 CMEMCO CPVCRO Cromemco with TU-ART card. Terminal required) COMART CPVCOM Comart Communicator (terminal required) COMPRO CPVPRO Compupro with Interfacer 4 (or 3). Terminal required. CPC CPVCPC Amstrad CPC 664 and 6128 and CP/M 3 CPM3 CPVCP3 "Generic": CP/M 3.0 (CP/M Plus) systems (terminal req'd) CPT85XX CPVCPT CPT-85xx wordprocessor with CP/M DELPHI CPVDEL Digicomp Delphi 100 (terminal required) DISC CPVDIS Action Computer Enterprises "Discovery" (terminal req'd) DMII CPVDM2 DECmate II with CP/M option GENER CPVGEN "Generic": CPM 2.2 systems with IOBYTE (terminal req'd) GENIE CPVGNI Video Genie H8QUAD CPVH8Q Heath-8 with Quad 8 i/o board HEATH CPVH89 Heath/Zenith H89 HORIZON CPVHOR Northstar Horizon (terminal required) HP125 CPVHP1 Hewlett-Packard HP-125 Business Assistant KPII CPVKPR Kaypro-II (and 4; probably supports all Kaypro systems) LOBO CPVLBO Lobo Max-80 M2215 CPVMRL British Telecom Merlin/Rair Black Box (terminal required) MDI CPVMDI Morrow Decision I (terminal required) MIKKO CPVMIK MikroMikko MMATE CPVMM PMC 101 Micromate (terminal required) MMDI CPVUD Morrow Micro Decision I (terminal required) NCRDMV CPVDMV NCR Decision Mate V. (Terminal required?) NORTHS CPVNS Northstar Horizon with HSIO-4 card (terminal req'd) OSBRN1 CPVOSB Osborne 1 OSI CPVOSI Ohio Scientific PCI2651 CPVPCI Ithaca Intersystems with VI0 card (terminal required) PCW CPVPCW Amstrad PCW 8256/8512 with serial interface PX8 CPVPX8 Epson PX-8 RM380ZM CPVRMM Research Machines 380Z with MDS (5.25" discs) RM380ZF CPVRMF Research Machines 380Z with FDS (8" discs) ROBIN CPVROB DEC VT180 S1008 CPVUSM US Microsales S-100-8 (terminal required) SANYO CPVSAN Sanyo MBC-1100 SB6 CPVSB6 Micromint SB-180 with 6Mhz CPU (terminal required) SB9 CPVSB9 Micromint SB-180 with 9Mhz CPU (terminal required) SCNTPR CPVSCN Screentyper TELCON CPVTEL TELCON Zorba portable TELETEK CPVTET Teletek Systemaster (terminal required) TORCH CPVTRC Torch computers BBC-B with Z80 second processors TRS80LB CPVTLB TRS-80 model II with Lifeboat 2.25C CP/M Display TRS80PT CPVTPT TRS-80 model II with Pickles + Trout CP/M Display TRSM4 CPVTM4 TRS-80 model IV VECTOR CPVVEC Vector Graphics XER820 CPVXER Xerox 820 Z100 CPVZ00 Z-100 under CP/M-85 Z80MU CPVZ80 Z80MU development system on a PC Terminals supported in CP/M-80 Kermit V4.11 (and growing!) Label Terminal ======================================================================== CRT Does not do cursor addressing ADM3A Lear Seigler ADM 3A ADM22 Lear Seigler ADM 22 AM230 Ampro 230 H1500 Hazeltine 1500 SMRTVD Netronics Smartvid SOROQ Soroq IQ-120 TVI912 Televideo 912 TVI925 Televideo 925 or Freedom 100 VT52 Dec VT52 or equivalent (H19) VT100 Dec VT100 or equivalent WYSE Wyse 100 More systems and families are always coming in, so this list and the source files are all likely to change sometime in the near future. Any comment, suggestions etc send them in. I will not guarentee that your suggestions will be implemented, but maybe.... Cheers ES 73's/88's, Mike Freeman K7UIJ Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 491 Vancouver, WA 98666 (206)690-2307 301 N.E. 107th Street Vancouver, WA 98685 USA (206)574-8221 E-Mail: on Internet