#!./wermit + # CKUBUILDLOG C-Kermit script for UNIX-based operating systems # Frank da Cruz, fdc@columbia.edu, Bronx # and Peter Eichhorn, Munich # 5 June 2023 # Most recent update: # Mon Jun 26 16:22:43 2023 # .version = 2.13 # Version .verdate = 2023/06/26 # Date of version # (v2.10 fixes reporting of OpenSSL version) # (v2.11 fixes reporting of Kerberos version) # (V2.12 tries harder to find compiler name and version) # (V2.13 put "No warnings" in last field if there were no warnings) set debug message off # Use -v on command line to turn on # This script is distributed with C-Kermit source-code and is to be used # on Unix-based platforms (e.g. Linux, BSD, macOS) after compilation and # linking to produce a table entry for C-Kermit build log. # # Example of use (cd'd to C-Kermit source code directory, which must # include C-Kermit sources and 'wermit' executable. # # make linux 2>log # (compilation and linking occurs, producing a 'wermit' executable...) # ./ckubuildlog # # This produces an xxx.txt file in the same directory, where xxx is the # makefile target ("linux" in this example). # # You don't have to install the script, it comes with C-Kermit 10.0. # # Usage: ckubuildlog [ parameters ] # For parameters see: https://www.kermitproject.org/ckbuildlog.html # # Examples (in the C-Kermit build directory): # ./ckubuildlog (let the script try to figure the OS name a version) # ./ckubuildlog "NetBSD 9.3" (provide hostname and version to the script) # # Creates a C-Kermit 10.0 Beta test builds-table entry to be sent # to me for inclusion in https://kermitproject.org/ck10devbuilds.html. # # For compiler warnings to be included, C-Kermit must be built like this: # # cd ckermit (cd to your C-Kermit source code directory) # rm -f log (remove any previous log) # make targetname 2>log (log warnings and errors to file named 'log') # # (note: if you use a name other than 'log' you have to specify it # on the ckubuildlog command line, e.g. 'ckubuildlog logfile=build7.log') # # C-Kermit build examples: # # make linux 2>log (default Linux build) # make linux+ssl 2>log (Linux with OpenSSL) # make linux+krb5 2>log (Linux with MIT Kerberos 5) # make linux+krb5+ssl 2>log (Linux with MIT Kerberos 5 and OpenSSL) # make netbsd 2>log (default NetBSD build) # # Note: optional 'make' parameters as in 'make linux KFLAGS="-DNODEBUG"' # are not captured by this script but you can specify them on the # ckubuildlog command line. # # osname-and-version: # There is no standard Unix shell command or utility that returns the # computer's operating-system name and version. In some cases C-Kermit # (which is executing this script) can find the OS name and version on its # own, in which case they will be in one or more of the following built-in # C-Kermit variables: # # \v(osname) # \v(osversion) # \v(osrelease) # \v(platform) # # In other cases, for selected OS's, this script's GETOSNAME macro can find # them somewhere in the /etc/*release* or other directories. As a last # resort, you can simply provide the OS name and version as a command-line # parameter, e.g.: # # ckubuildlog "MINIX 3" # ckubuildlog "Solaris 11" # ckubuildlog "HP-UX 10.0" # ckubuildlog "4.2BSD" # # GETOSNAME clauses for additional platforms are welcome. # Note: string comparisons in this script are case-independent # if not equ "\v(system)" "UNIX" { exit 1 "Sorry, ckubuildlog only works in UNIX-based operating systems" } undef osname # Clear the OS name undef resultfile # Clear result-file name undef kflags # Clear KFLAGS undef logfile # Clear compilation log file name undef ccdata # Clear C compiler data .\%n = 0 # Command-line parameter counter if debug show args while def \%1 { # Get parameters from command line incr \%n msg LOOP \%n "\%1" if equ "\%1" "-h" { # -h = help msg HELP TEXT echo echo {Usage: ckubuildlog [-v] [-h] ["OS name and version"]} echo " -v = verbose; -h = help (this message)" echo { also: resultfile=filename, logfile=filename, - kflags="-Dxxxx [-Dyyyy ...]"} echo " All command-line options are optional." echo " Order doesn't matter." echo " Options that contain spaces must be enclosed in doublequotes." echo echo "Instructions:" echo " cd to the C-Kermit source directory." echo { Build C-Kermit with "make xxxx 2>log"} echo { where xxxx is the target from the makefile, e.g. 'linux'.} echo { '2>log' puts any warnings or errors in a filed named 'log'} echo { Example: 'make linux 2>log'} echo { Then run this script, supplying OS and version if necessary.} echo { Examples:} echo echo { ckubuildlog} echo { ckubuildlog "SunOS 4"} echo { ckubuildlog "HP-UX B10.20"} echo echo { The results are in the same directory as xxx.txt,} echo { where xxx is the make target name; e.g. linux.txt} echo { or, if 'resultfile=xxx' was given, in the file named xxx}, echo { where xxx is a name of your choice.} echo exit } if equ "\%1" "-v" { # -v = verbose echo SET DEBUG MESSAGE ON set debug message on shift continue } if \findex(=,\%1) { # Keyword parameter msg KEYWORD FROM COMMAND LINE = '\%1' void \fkeywordvalue(\%1); # Get keyword and its value shift continue } else if def \%1 { msg OSNAME FROM COMMAND LINE = '\%1' .osname := \%1 # OS name & version from command line shift continue } } # Macro to get OS name and version for selected OS's; others can be added. define GETOSNAME { # Macintosh if ( match "\v(platform)" "mac*" || match "\v(platform)" "*OS_X*" ) { .osname := \freplace(\v(platform),_,\32) return } if exist /etc/release { # NetBSD... .name := \fcommand(grep NetBSD /etc/release | head -1) if def name { void \fsplit(\m(name),&a,\32/) .osname := \&a[1] \&a[2] return } } if not exist /etc/oracle-release { # Oracle has redhat-release AND oracle-release if exist /etc/redhat-release { # Ret Hat Enterprise Linux .name := \fcommand(grep "Red Hat" /etc/redhat-release | head -1) if def name { void \fsplit(\m(name),&a,\32) .osname := RHEL \&a[7] return } } } if exist /etc/fedora-release { # Fedora Linux .name := \fcommand(grep "Fedora" /etc/fedora-release | head -1) if def name { .osname := Fedora \fword(\m(name),3) return } } if \findex(HP-UX,\v(osname)) { # HP-UX local hpccdata &x &y .osname := HP-UX \v(osrelease) .hpccdata := \fcommand(what `whence cc`) if debug show mac hpccdata void \fsplit(\m(hpccdata),&x,$) void \fsplit(\&x[5],&y,\32) .ccdata := HP C Compiler \&y[2] if debug show mac ccdata return } if match \v(platform) OpenBSD* { # OpenBSD .osname := \freplace(\v(platform),_,\32) return } if equ \v(platform) Linux { # Common Linux distributions # Centos, Debian, Fedora, Oracle, Red Hat, Rocky, SUSE, ... if exist /etc/os-release { .osname := \fcommand(grep "PRETTY_NAME" /etc/os-release) if def osname { .osname := \fword(\m(osname),2,\") } else { .osname := \fcommand(grep "NAME=" /etc/os-release) if def osname { .osname := \fword(\m(osname),2,\") .osversion := \fcommand(grep "VERSION-ID=" /etc/os-release) .osname := \m(osname) \m(osversion) } } if def osname return } } } echo ckubuildlog \m(version) \m(verdate) echo "This directory: \v(dir)" # Orientation if not def osname getosname # Get OS name if not passed on cmdline # Check for makefile if not exist makefile exit 1 "makefile not found in \v(dir)" dir /array:x /count:filecount ck*.[ch] if not exist ckcmai.c { echo "Error: ckcmai.c not found in \v(dir)" exit 1 "This script must be run in the C-Kermit build directory" } if < \m(filecount) 54 { echo "Warning: some C-Kermit source code files seem to be missing" } undeclare x msg C-Kermit source files found. # Check whether C-Kermit binary (wermit) exists if not exist ./wermit { echo 'wermit' binary not found in \v(dir). exit 1 "Please give an appropriate 'make' command to build C-Kermit" } # Run wermit to get SHOW FEATURES listing into a file void \fcommand(./wermit -C "show features" > shofeat.txt, exit) if fail exit 1 "wermit SHOW FEATURES failed" msg Feature list ok: if debug dir shofeat.txt # Makefile target... undef target .target := \fword(\fcommand(grep Target: shofeat.txt),2,\32,ALL) if not def target { exit 1 "Target not found in shofeat.txt" } if debug sho mac target # Check whether the build failed .failed = 0 if not exist wermit { echo "MOST RECENT BUILD FAILED - wermit binary not found" .failed = 1 # the build build failed forward :ARCH } # Build failed but previous wermit still exists if exist log { if newer log wermit { echo "MOST RECENT BUILD FAILED - wermit binary older than log" if exist log echo "See log for errors" .failed = 1 forward :ARCH } } # Check whether wermit binary is newer than all the source code modules dir /sort:date /reverse /top:1 /array:o ck*.[ch] if newer \&o[1] wermit { echo "Error: some source modules are newer that wermit executable..." exit 1 "Please rebuild C-Kermit and run this script again." } # Check object files if \ffiles(ck*.o) { dir /sort:date /reverse /top:1 /array:o ck*.o if newer \&o[1] wermit { echo {'make' command failed - Object file(s) are newer than wermit.} echo {This probably means that the most recent 'make' command failed.} exit 1 } } undeclare o .banner := \fcommand(grep "C-Kermit " shofeat.txt | grep for) if def banner { echo wermit: \m(banner) } if failed { # If the build failed... .size = N/A } else { msg wermit executable found and up-to-date. if debug dir wermit .size := \fsize(wermit) if not numeric \m(size) .size = (unknown) } msg Size: \m(size) bytes # Architecture... :ARCH undef arch .arch := \fword(\fcommand(grep Machine: shofeat.txt),2,\32) if debug sho mac arch .maxnamelen := 72 if not def osname { .tmpname := \fcommand(grep "OS Version:" shofeat.txt) .dots = if > \flen(\m(tmpname)) \m(maxnamelen) .dots := ... .osname := \s(tmpname[14:\m(maxnamelen)])\m(dots) if debug sho mac osname } # Kermit code date from ckcmai.c undef codedate .tmpdate := \fcommand(grep EDITNDATE ckcmai.c | head -1) void \fsplit(\m(tmpdate),&a) # show array a .codedate := \fleft(\freplace(\fcvtdate(\&a[3],5),:,-),10) if debug show mac codedate # Look for compiler name and version .maxcclen := 72 undef cc .\%c = 0 .tag := "GCC version:" .tmpcc := \fcommand(grep "\m(tag)" shofeat.txt) # NOTE: can also look for __DECC and __DECC_VER in shofeat.txt. if def tmpcc { .\%c = 1 } else { .tag = "Compiler version:" .tmpcc := \fcommand(grep "\m(tag)" shofeat.txt) if def tmpcc { .\%c = 2 } else if def ccdata { .\%c = 3 .tmpcc := \m(ccdata) } else { .tmpcc := \fcommand(strings wermit | egrep -i "(cc |gcc|clang)" if def tmpcc .\%c = 4 else .tmpcc = "(unknown)" } } if def tmpcc { .tmpcc := \freplace(\m(tmpcc),{Compiler version: },) } msg tmpcc[\%c] = \m(tmpcc) if > \%c 0 { .dots = .tmpcc := \fltrim(\freplace(\m(tmpcc),GCC version:,)) if numeric \s(tmpcc[1.]) .tmpcc := gcc \m(tmpcc) # .tmpcc := \fltrim(\freplace(\m(tmpcc),\m(tag),)) if not \fverify(0123456789.,\m(tmpcc)) .tmpcc := "gcc \m(tmpcc)" if debug show mac tmpcc if > \flen(\m(tmpcc)) \m(maxcclen) .dots := ... .cc := \m(tmpcc)\m(dots) } if debug sho mac cc .security = .ssl = if \findex(ssl,\m(target)) { .ssl := \fcommand(openssl version) .security := \m(ssl) } .krb5 = if \findex(krb5,\m(target)) { .krb5 := \fcommand(krb5-config --version) .security := \m(security) \m(krb5) } .tmpsecurity := \m(security) if not def security .tmpsecurity = (none) msg Security: \m(tmpsecurity) if failed { .status = Failed } else { .status = OK } if not def resultfile .resultfile := \m(target).txt if not def logfile .logfile := log fopen /write \%o \m(resultfile) if fail exit 1 Can't create \m(target).txt fwrite /line \%o fwrite /line \%o \m(osname) fwrite /line \%o \m(arch) if def kflags { .kflags := KFLAGS="\m(kflags)" } fwrite /line \%o make \m(target) \m(kflags) fwrite /line \%o \m(codedate) fwrite /line \%o \m(size) fwrite /line \%o \m(cc) fwrite /line \%o \m(security) fwrite /line \%o \m(status) echo Executable: dir wermit if def logfile { if not exist \m(logfile) { echo "No log file found - if there were warnings or errors," xecho "please 'make clean' and then rebuild with " echo "'make \m(target) 2> log', thanks." } else if > \fsize(\m(logfile)) 0 { echo "(there were some warnings or errors):" dir \m(logfile) fwrite \%o fclose \%o copy /append \m(logfile) \m(resultfile) } else { fwrite /line \%o No warnings } } if \f_status(\%o) fclose \%o echo ckubuildlog done, result (please email it to fdc@columbia.edu): dir \m(resultfile) type \m(resultfile) exit ; Local Variables: ; comment-column:40 ; comment-start:"# " ; End: