#!/hmt/sirius1/prv0/kd/fdc/bin.linux/wermit +
# Kermit script to make pages that are like the file lists you
# get when you follow an FTP link to a directory, where you can click
# on individual files to see or download them. FTP was "deprecated"
# by Google (in Chrome) and Mozilla (in Firefox) in March-April 2021,
# this is my response. A similar program was needed on the Panix end
# to install the file-list pages there and link to them from the Panix
# Kermit archive page.
# Frank da Cruz, 1 May 2021
.destdir = ~/p/archives/
# Macro to write HTML header for a file-list page
fwrite /line \%1 {}
fwrite /line \%1 {}
fwrite /line \%1 {
fwrite /line \%1 {}
fwrite /line \%1 {}
fwrite /line \%1 {\m(name)}
fwrite /line \%1 {}
fwrite /line \%1 {File list: \m(name)
fwrite /line \%1 {}
# Macro to convert a plain-text directory listing into a Web page with links
local line
fopen /read \%f \m(destdir)\m(name).txt # Open directory listing file
if fail exit 1 "FAILED: fopen /read \m(name).txt"
fopen /write \%o \m(destdir)\m(name).html # Create HTML version of it
if fail exit 1 "FAILED: fopen /write \m(name).html"
makeheader \%o # Put the html header
while true { # Loop through the files
fread /line \%f line # Read a line from the listing
if fail break
if not def line continue # (shouldn't happen)
if \findex(\32->\32,\m(line)) continue # Skip symlinks
undef fn
.fn := \fword(\m(line),5,\32,ALL) # Get filename
if not def fn exit 1 "No filename found in line: \m(line)"
# Convert the filename into a link
.link :=
.link := \m(link)\m(fn)
.line := \freplace(\m(line),\m(fn),\m(link))
fwrite /line \%o \m(line)
fwrite /line \%o "
" # Finish the HTML page
fwrite /line \%o "
fwrite /line \%o ""
fwrite /line \%o ""
fclose \%f # Close directory listing file
fclose \%o # Close HTML page
.\%n = 0 # Archive counter
cd ~/web/ # CD to Columbia Kermit website
if fail exit 1 FAILED: cd ~/web/
fopen /read \%c archive.html # Open the Columbia archive page
if fail exit 1 FAILED: fopen /read archive.html
fopen /write \%x \m(destdir)index.html # Create an index file for the result
if fail exit 1 FAILED: fopen /write \m(destdir)index.html
.name = Index to archive file lists
makeheader \%x
# Main loop - read archive file, get file-list for each archive,
# get directory listing of it, and then call the functions above to
# convert it into a web page with links to each file.
while 1 {
fread /line \%c line # Read a line from the archive page
if fail break # End of file
.\%9 := \findex(>file list<,\m(line)) # Look for ">file list<"
if not \%9 .\%9 := \findex(>file list<,\m(line)) # or ">file list<"
if not \%9 continue
incr \%n # Gone one, count it
.\%8 := \frindex(ftp://,\m(line)) # Look for beginning of URL
if not \%8 exit 1 "Can't find ftp:// in \m(line)"
.url := \s(line[\%8_\%9-2]) # Isolate the URL
show mac url
.\%7 := \frindex(edu/kermit,\m(url))
.path := \s(url[\%7+11:]) # Get the path for this archive member
if equ "\fright(\m(path),1)" "/" .path := \fstripn(\m(path),1)
show mac path
cd ~/web/ftp/\m(path) # CD to it
if fail exit 1 "FAILED: cd ~/web/ftp/\m(path)"
.name := \freplace(\m(path),/,-) # Change path to a name
show mac name
dir /output:\m(destdir)\m(name).txt # Get a directory listing for it
makehtml # Convert to directory listing to html
fwrite /line \%x \m(name).html
fclose \%c # Close Columbia archive file
fwrite /line \%x "
" # Put ending on index file
fwrite /line \%x ""
fwrite /line \%x "