#!/usr/local/bin/kermit + # # IN UNIX CHANGE TOP LINE TO INDICATE ACTUAL PATH OF C-KERMIT # and give this file execute permission. # # Usage: photoalbum.ksc [ keyword=value [ keyword=value [ ... ] ] ] # # Make web site of pictures, which must be jpg's. # To use, put the desired jpg's in an empty directory, # cd to the directory, and run this script with the desired arguments: # # Makes an index page with thumbnails (or picture filenames if there are # no thumbnails) and then a page for each picture with forward, back, and # index links, with the ability to click on each picture to see the original. # Page can be in Spanish or English. # # Options (keywords): # title="This will be the title" (enclose in quotes if multiple words) # color=xxx (foreground text color, default dargmagenta) # background=yyy (background color, default #fff0f0) # language=zzz (english or spanish, default english) # height=nnn (height for thumbnails in pixels, default 120) # noscale=n (0 to scale photos, 1 not to scale, default 0) # resize=n (resize originals, n = max width or height, pixels) # arrows (put Unicode triangles for navigation instead of words) # shorttitle="short title for photos" (default is full title) # # NOTE: For the present, keywords must be spelled out in full. # # The shorttitle is used in the alt= and title= clause of each photo. # If no shorttitle is given, the regular title is used. # # Overwrites any previous versions of the .html pages each time you run it. # # If ImageMagick is available, it is used to generate thumbnails for the # index page. Otherwise the index page just contains a list of links to # the individual HTML pages. ImageMagick can be found here: # # http://www.imagemagick.org/ # # Alternatively if you can make thumbnails some other way, they will be used # if they are already there. For each file xxx.jpg, the corresponding # thumbnail must be called xxx-t.jpg; all thumbnails should be the same height. # # Frank da Cruz, Columbia University, 9 July 2006 # # Updates: # 10 Jul 2006: Fixed some typos and fixed the test for Windows. # 11 Jul 2006: Added RESIZE option (RESIZE=n, pixels, default=760). # 11 Jul 2006: Reduced disk size of thumbnails by factor of 10. # 12 Jul 2006: Don't give HTML HEIGHT or WIDTH directives for resized images. # 12 Jul 2006: Keep and link to original when resizing rather than replacing. # 15 Sep 2006: Fix NOSCALE result; add "arrows" option for navigation links. # 16 Nov 2006: Colors for links; fix help text; allow "-help". # 12 Dec 2009: Nicer default colors; give usage message if no arguments. # 07 Aug 2010: Put alts and better titles on images; new default colors .myname := \fbasename(\%0) # Filename of this script if eq "\v(system)" "unix" { # Check prerequisites local msg .msg = C-Kermit 8.0.212 Dev.20 or later required. if llt \v(version) 800212 exit 1 \m(msg) if < \v(buildid) 20060707 exit 1 \m(msg) } if eq "\v(system)" "windows" { if <= \v(xversion) 2103 { echo echo WARNING: echo Certain functions in this script won't work in Windows but a fully echo functional website should still result. Ignore any error messages. echo This script will operate correctly in the next release of K95. echo } } def USAGE { echo echo { Usage: \m(myname) keyword=value [ keyword=value [ ... ] ]} echo echo { Makes a website in a directory containing .jpg images.} echo { Index page shows thumbnails of the images.} echo echo { Options (keywords):} echo { title="This will be the title"} echo { color=xxx (foreground text color, default darkmagenta)} echo { background=yyy (background color, default \#fff0f0)} echo { language=zzz (english or spanish, default english)} echo { height=nnn (height for thumbnails in pixels, default 72)} echo { noscale=n (0 to scale photos, 1 not to scale, default 0)} echo { resize=n (nonzero n means resize pictures to n pixels)} echo { arrows (use arrows instead "next" and "previous")} echo { help (print this message)} echo { shorttitle="short title for photos" (default is full title)} echo exit 0 } if < \v(argc) 2 usage .kerbang = 0 # How we exit depends on how invoked if kerbang incr kerbang # (This only works at top level) define FATAL { # Fatal error macro fclose all # Close all open files echo # and exit or stop with given message if \m(kerbang) exit 1 FATAL - \%* else stop 1 FATAL - \%* } def STYLE { # Write stanza fwrite /line \%1 } # Command-line processing - title and options .height = 120 # Default thumbnail height .language = English # Default text language .color = darkmagenta # Default text language .background = \#fff0f0 # Default background color .lp = ( # Left paren .rp = ) # Right paren for \%i 1 \v(argc)-1 1 { # Parse each keyword option void \fkeywordvalue(\&_[\%i]) # This function does it if eq "\v(lastkwval)" "help" usage # If keyword was "help" give help if eq "\v(lastkwval)" "-help" usage # If keyword was "-help" give help if eq "\v(lastkwval)" "-h" usage # If keyword was "-h" give help if eq "\v(lastkwval)" "resize" { # If "resize" given without argument if not def resize .resize = 720 # supply default. } if eq "\v(lastkwval)" "noscale" { # If "noscale" given without argument if not def noscale .noscale = 1 # supply default. } if eq "\v(lastkwval)" "arrows" { # If "arrows" given without argument if not def arrows .arrows = 1 # supply default. } } stop if not def resize .resize = 0 if not def noscale .noscale = 0 if not def arrows .arrows = 0 if not numeric \m(height) exit 1 Fatal - Height not numeric: \m(height) if not numeric \m(noscale) exit 1 Fatal - Noscale not numeric: \m(noscale) if match english \m(language)* .language = English else if match spanish \m(language)* .language = Spanish else exit 1 Fatal - Language "\m(language)" not supported .hover := \m(color) switch \m(color) { :darkmagenta, .hover = fuchsia, break :deeppink, .hover = pink, break :gold, .hover = yellow, break :black, .hover = lightgrey, break :blue, .hover = lightblue, break :red, .hover = pink } show macro title color background hover language height noscale resize arrows undef \%h \%w # Height and width clauses for HTML if not \m(noscale) { .\%h = { height="90%"} # Portrait .\%w = { width="100%"} # Landscape } pwd # Use Image Magick 'convert' (if available) to create resize originals # and/or create thumbnails. dir /array:&t /except:*-[tr].jpg *.jpg # Get list of original images if not \fdimension(&t) fatal No original JPGs found - nothing to do. if eq \v(system) unix chmod 664 *.jpg .need_thumbnails = 0 # Assume we don't need thumbnails if def height .need_thumbnails = 1 # If height given maybe we do if not \m(need_thumbnails) { # Or... .\%t := \ffiles(*-t.jpg) # if we don't have a thumbnail for if > \&t[0] \%t .need_thumbnails = 1 # every non-thumbnail } .have_convert = 0 # Assume we don't have 'convert' if \m(need_thumbnails) { # Need thumbnails. !convert -version > /dev/null # Do we have Image Magick convert? if fail { echo Image Magick 'convert' not found - can't make thumbnails... .need_thumbnails = 0 # No - can't make thumbnails } else { .have_convert = 1 } } if ( \m(resize) && \m(have_convert) ) { # Resizing originals echo Resizing... for i 1 \&t[0] 1 { # Go through non-thumbnail jpgs... .t := \fstripx(\fbasename(\&t[i]),.)-r.jpg # Name for resized version if not exist \m(t) { # If it doesn't exist copy \&t[i] \m(t) # copy original } .\%9 := \fpictureinfo(\m(t),&d) # Get current size if == \m(resize) \&d[\%9] { # If it's already the desired size echo \m(t) SKIPPED # don't resize it. continue } xecho \m(t): \fsize(\m(t))... # Resize the copy !convert \m(t) -resize \m(resize)x\m(resize) \m(t) if fail echo PROBLEM RESIZING \&t[i] - Continuing... echo \fsize(\m(t)) chmod 644 \m(t) } echo # Done with thumbnails } if \m(need_thumbnails) { # Need to and can make thumbnails... echo Checking thumbnails... for i 1 \&t[0] 1 { # Go through non-thumbnail jpgs... .t := \fstripx(\fbasename(\&t[i]),.) .tt := \m(t)-t.jpg # Make name for thumbnail if exist \m(tt) { # Already exists? if \fpictureinfo(\m(tt),&d) { # get its height if ( == \m(height) \&d[2] ) { # Same as requested height? continue # Nothing to do } } del /quiet \m(tt) # Delete existing thumbnail } xecho " \&t[i]" # Create new thumbnail !convert \&t[i] -thumbnail x\m(height) \m(tt) if fail echo PROBLEM MAKING THUMBNAIL FROM \&t[i] - Continuing... chmod 644 \m(tt) } echo # Done with thumbnails } .\%t := \ffiles(*-t.jpg) # Now see how many thumbnails exist # Localization (Spanish or English)... .charset = iso-8859-1 # Character set is ISO 8859-1 undef langtag # No HMTL language tag yet switch \m(language) { # Text messages for selected language :spanish .langtag = { lang="es"} # HTML language tag if not def title .title = Fotos # Default title .photo = Foto # Individual page title .next = Adelante # Forward .prev = Atrás # Back .index = Indice # Index .up = Arriba .msg1 = Haz clic en cualquier nombre para ver fotos # Legend for index if \%t .msg1 = Haz clic en cualquier foto para entrar .msg2 = (Haz clic para ver en tamaño completo) break :english .langtag = { lang="en"} # HTML language tag if not def title .title = Photos # Default title .photo = Photo # Individual page title .next = Next # Forward .prev = Prev # Back .index = Index # Index .up = Up .msg1 = Click on any name to see photos # Legend for index if \%t .msg1 = Click on any photo to enter .msg2 = (Click to enlarge) break :default fatal "No language!" } if not def shorttitle .shorttitle := \m(title) if \m(noscale) undef msg2 if \m(arrows) { undef lp rp .index = .up := \m(index) .next = .prev = } echo Creating Web pages... fopen /write \%o index.html # Create the index page if fail fatal FOPEN index failed # Write HTML prologue... fwrite /line \%o fwrite /line \%o fwrite /line \%o fwrite /line \%o \m(title) fwrite /line \%o - do style \%o fwrite /line \%o fwrite /line \%o - fwrite /line \%o


fwrite /line \%o {\m(lp) \m(up) \m(rp)  } fwrite /line \%o (\m(msg1))
.\%n := \&t[0] # How many non-thumbnail JPGs set flag off .\%r := \ffiles(*-r.jpg) if == \%r \%n set flag on # We have resized images for \%i 1 \%n 1 { # Loop through all non-thumbnails xecho "FILENAME \&t[\%i] => " # Start to say what we're going .\%b := \fstripx(\&t[\%i]) # Filename without ".jpg" .\%f := \%b.html # Filename with ".html" .\%a := \&t[\%i] # Filename of image file if flag .\%a := \%b-r.jpg # Change to this for resized image .orientation := \fpictureinfo(\%a) # Get picture orientation undef \%q # Scaling command for HTML switch \m(orientation) { :1, .\%p = "Landscape", .\%q := \%w, break :2, .\%p = "Portrait", .\%q := \%h, break :default, .\%p = "Unknown" } if \m(resize) undef \%q # No HTML scale if resizing ourselves echo \%f (\%p) # Finish saying what we're doing fopen /write \%c \%f # Create page for this picture if fail exit 1 OPEN failed fwrite /line \%c - # Write HTML prologue fwrite /line \%c fwrite /line \%c fwrite /line \%c \m(photo) \#\%i - \m(title) fwrite /line \%c - do style \%c fwrite /line \%c fwrite /line \%c - fwrite /line \%c

\m(title) - \m(photo) \#\%i

fwrite /line \%c fwrite /line \%c
if == \%i \%n { # If last picture there is no next. .\%x := index.html fwrite /line \%c \m(lp) \m(index) \m(rp) } else { # Not last picture .\%x := \fstripx(\&t[\%i+1]).html # So make link to next. fwrite /line \%c \m(lp) \m(next) \m(rp) } .xnext := \%x # Remember this for later if != \%i 1 { # Not first picture? .\%x := \fstripx(\&t[\%i-1]).html # Not first so link to previous fwrite /line \%c {  \m(lp) \m(prev) \m(rp)  } } if != \%i \%n { # Not last picture? # Link to index fwrite /line \%c \m(lp) \m(index) \m(rp) } if def msg2 fwrite /line \%c   \m(msg2)
.\%x := \%b .\%z = \fcontents(\%b) if exist \%x.jpg .\%z = \fcontents(\%x) fwrite /line \%c
if \m(noscale) { fwrite /line \%c \m(shorttitle) \m(photo) \#\%i } else { fwrite /line \%c \m(shorttitle) \m(photo) \#\%i } fwrite /line \%c

fwrite /line \%c

# End of page fwrite /line \%c fwrite /line \%c fclose \%c if eq \v(system) unix chmod 664 \%f .\%x := \fstripx(\%f)-t # Make entry in index page. if exist \%x.jpg { fwrite /line \%o {\m(shorttitle) \m(photo) \#\%i} } else { fwrite /line \%o [ \%f ] } } # Finish and close Index page fwrite /line \%o
# End of page fwrite /line \%o Created \v(date) by - photoalbum fwrite /line \%o fwrite /line \%o fclose \%o if eq \v(system) unix { chmod 664 index.html exit }