VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21746)-5 @slogin Job 16 on TTY22 2-Apr-2023 16:08:13 Last interactive login 2-Apr-2023 16:04:56 Last non-interactive login 2-Apr-2023 16:08:12 [Jobs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 also logged in under SLOGIN] End of LOGICALS.CMD.86 End of TTY.CMD.7 End of LOGIN.CMD.19 End of COMAND.CMD.14 @Terminal Ideal @sm k20: Structure STAR: mounted @Get PS:Kermit @Info Ver VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21746)-5 PANDA TOPS-20 Command processor 7.1(4456)-5 Program is KERMIT, version is 4.2(256) @Start ?Illegal packet size TOPS-20 KERMIT version 4.2(256) Kermit-20>Set Prompt Remote-Kermit-20> Remote-Kermit-20>Set 94 Remote-Kermit-20>Set Flow None Remote-Kermit-20>Set Parity Even %Will request 8th-bit prefixing. %If the other KERMIT doesn't agree, %binary files cannot be sent correctly. Remote-Kermit-20>Show Line TTY for file transfer: 22 (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) Handshake: None Flow-Control: None Parity: Even Duplex: Full Speed: (Unknown) Break Simulation: Disabled TVT Binary: Off Log: (none) Remote-Kermit-20>Show Timing Timing parameters: Receive Send Timeout: 13 20-94 sec Pause: 0 0 sec Delay before sending first packet: 10 sec Packet retries before timeout: 10 Number of retries for init packet: 9 Server sends NAKs every 30 sec while waiting for command. Remote-Kermit-20>Show Packet Packet parameters: Inbound Outbound Size: 94 94 characters Padding: 0 0 Pad Character: ^@ ^@ End-Of-Line: ^M ^M Control Prefix: # # Start-Of-Packet: ^A ^A Requested Used 8th-bit Prefix: & (none) Repeat Prefix: ~ (none) Block Check: 1 1 Remote-Kermit-20> Remote-Kermit-20>SERVER Kermit Server running on DEC-20 host. Please type your escape sequence to return to your local machine. Shut down the server By typing the BYE command to KERMIT on your local machine. Info Fork => KERMIT (1): HALT at CONT, 0:00:06.1 @LogoUt [Jobs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 also logged in Under SLOGIN] Logged oUt Job 16, User SLOGIN, TTY22, at 2-Apr-2023 16:08:39 Used 0:00:06 in 0:00:26