VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21752)-5 @slogin Job 14 on TTY22 1-Sep-2024 01:32:53 Last interactive login 1-Sep-2024 01:32:52 Last non-interactive login 31-Aug-2024 02:00:00 [Jobs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 also logged in under SLOGIN] End of LOGICALS.CMD.101 End of TTY.CMD.9 End of LOGIN.CMD.19 End of COMAND.CMD.14 You have net mail from SLOGIN@TOMMYT at 29-Aug-2024 14:11:29 @Terminal Ideal @Terminal Parity @SMNT k20: Structure STAR: mounted @Access STAR: @Connect k20: @where Kermit Loopback Testing [Batch] Finger location set to: "Kermit Loopback Testing [Batch]" @Finger User Personal name Job Subsys Idle TTY Console location SLOGIN Thomas DeBellis 8 EMACS 8 44 iSnack.Laurel: Development, Large 9 OPR 15 45 iSnack.Laurel: Logging, Wide 10 EXEC . 46 iSnack.Laurel: Secondary Testing, Small 11 EMACS 5 47 iSnack.Laurel: Testing and Debugging, Wide 12 KERMIT 1:45 50 iSnack.Laurel: C-Kermit Testing 13 KERMIT 21 Batch Job 14 FINGER 22 [13 SLOGIN] Kermit Loopback Testing [Batc @Set NO Control-C-Capability @Get K20:Kermit @Info Ver VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21752)-5 PANDA TOPS-20 Command processor 7.1(4459)-5 Program is KERMIT, version is 5.3(277)-5 PDVs: Program name K20MIT, version 5.3(277)-5 @Start TOPS-20 Kermit version 5.3(277)-5 Kermit-20>Set Prompt Remote-Kermit-20> Remote-Kermit-20>Set Parity Even /Terminal-and-Packets /Check-on-Receive %Will request 8th-bit prefixing. If the other KERMIT doesn't agree, binary files cannot be sent correctly. Remote-Kermit-20>Define 120 delay 5,send timeout 7,receive timeout 8,retry packets 5,handshake none,send packet-length 120,receive packet-length 120,Flow-Control None Remote-Kermit-20>Define 94 delay 5,send timeout 7,receive timeout 8,retry packets 5,handshake none,send packet-length 94,receive packet-length 94,Flow-Control None Remote-Kermit-20>Show 94 94 = delay 5,send timeout 7,receive timeout 8,retry packets 5,handshake none,send packet-length 94,receive packet-length 94,Flow-Control None Remote-Kermit-20>Set 94 Remote-Kermit-20>Set File eight-bit Remote-Kermit-20>Time NUL NUL: 19.1953 MBd Remote-Kermit-20>Time Copy NUL PTY Copied timing results for NUL: to PTY: 19.1953 MBd Remote-Kermit-20>Show Line TTY for file transfer: 22 (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) Handshake: None Flow-Control: None Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] Parity Action: Abort Duplex: Full Break Simulation: Disabled Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] Pseudo Speed: 19.1953 MBd Input Buffers: 1 Output Buffers: 1 Remote-Kermit-20>Show File Byte size for file I/O: Eight-Bit File name conversion: Off ITS-binary-format file recognition: disabled Disposition for incomplete incoming files: Discard Deleted files are NOT expunged automatically Transaction log file: (none) Remote-Kermit-20>Show Packet Packet parameters: Inbound Outbound Size: 94 94 End-Of-Line: ^M ^M Control Prefix: # # Start-Of-Packet: ^A ^A Requested Used 8th-bit Prefix: & (none) Repeat Prefix: ~ (none) Block Check: 1 1 Remote-Kermit-20>Show Timing Timing parameters: Receive Send Timeout: 8.0000 7.0000 sec (94 max) 8000 7000 ms Pause: (none) (none) Delay Before sending first packet: 5 secs (5000 ms) Packet retries Before timeout: 5 NumBer of retries for init packet: 9 Server sends NAKs every 30 secs (30000 ms) Remote-Kermit-20>SERVER Kermit Server running on VENTI2 host. Please type your escape sequence to return to your local machine. Shut down the server By typing the BYE command to KERMIT on your local machine. @Continue Remote-Kermit-20>Show Line TTY for file transfer: 22 (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) Handshake: None Flow-Control: None Parity: Even Parity Errors: 1 Parity Action: Abort Duplex: Full Break Simulation: Disabled Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] Pseudo Speed: 19.1953 MBd Input Buffers: 1 Output Buffers: 1 Remote-Kermit-20>Quit @Info Terminal TERMINAL NVT !Terminal speed indeterminate! TERMINAL NO INHIBIT (NON-JOB OUTPUT) REFUSE LINKS REFUSE ADVICE RECEIVE SYSTEM-MESSAGES RECEIVE USER-MESSAGES TERMINAL NO PAUSE (ON) COMMAND TERMINAL PAUSE (ON) END-OF-PAGE !DISABLED! TERMINAL LENGTH 0 TERMINAL WIDTH 0 TERMINAL LOWERCASE TERMINAL NO RAISE TERMINAL NO FLAG TERMINAL INDICATE TERMINAL FORMFEED TERMINAL TABS TERMINAL NO IMMEDIATE TERMINAL FULLDUPLEX TERMINAL NO BACKSPACE-DELETE TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY INPUT TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY OUTPUT TERMINAL PARITY @Info Fork/High => KERMIT (1): HALT at CONTIN, 17.15771 @LogoUt [Jobs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 also logged in Under SLOGIN] Logged oUt Job 14, User SLOGIN, TTY22, at 1-Sep-2024 01:33:46 Used 0:00:17 in 0:00:52