S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.02965, type: G, seq: 0, len: 40, Blk: 30, Generic, Change Working Directory, TOMMYT:, #ET x&#Q#EU/ R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.03244, type: Y, seq: 0, len: 40, Blk: 49, Ack(GC), TOMMYT: C, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.03639: New Kermit-20 sending the same file without decoding S,21:10:41,- I~2 @-#Y1~"@ R,21:10:41/20000, - Y~4 @-#Y1~"R S,21:10:41,1 RTITLE-PAGE.TXT? R,21:10:41/20000, - S~2 @-#Y1~"J S,21:10:41,- Y~4 @-#Y1~"R R,21:10:41/20000, 1!FTITLE-PAGE.TXT4 S,21:10:41,#!Y? R,21:10:41/20000, x"DTHE CANTERVILLE GHOST#M#J#M#Jby#M#J#M#JWILDE#M#J#M#JAn amusing chronicle of the tribuR S,21:10:41,#"Y@ R,21:10:41/20000, x#Dlations of the Ghost of Canterville#M#JChase when his ancestral halls became the home3 S,21:10:41,##YA R,21:10:41/20000, x$D of the American Minister#M#Jto the Court of St. James.#M#J#M#JIllustrated by Wallace4 S,21:10:41,#$YB R,21:10:41/20000, r%D Goldsmith#M#J#M#JJohn W. Luce and Company#M#JBoston and London#M#J#M#J1906#M#J= S,21:10:41,#%YC R,21:10:41/20000, #&ZE S,21:10:41,#&YD R,21:10:41/20000, #'B. S,21:10:41,#'YE S,21:10:41,$ GQ? R,21:10:41/20000, # X= S,21:10:41,# Y> R,21:10:41/20000, x!D#M#J Maximum number of characters in packet: 94 received: 94 sent#M#J Communications= S,21:10:41,#!Y? R,21:10:41/20000, x"D duration: 0.01290, analysis:#M#J#M#J#ISent:~& 382~$ #IEfficiency:#I~# 0.7906#M#J#IRe; S,21:10:41,#"Y@ R,21:10:41/20000, x#Dceived: 65~$ #IEfficiency:#I[100% Overhead]#M#J#ITotal:~% 447~$ #IEfficiency:#I~# 1.- S,21:10:41,##YA R,21:10:41/20000, y$D4801#M#J#M#J Total characters per second:#I 33.8390 KC/s#M#J Effective data rate:#I#I5 S,21:10:41,#$YB R,21:10:41/20000, x%D 228.6216 KBd#M#J ILDB: 131 SIN: 12 SIN Max: 42 BIN: 12#M#J Interpacket pause i] S,21:10:41,#%YC R,21:10:41/20000, ]&Dn effect: 0 ms#M#J#M#J Timeouts: 0#M#J NAKs:#I~# 0#M#J#M#JG S,21:10:41,#&YD R,21:10:41/20000, #'ZF S,21:10:41,#'YE R,21:10:41/20000, #(B/ S,21:10:41,#(YF C, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.08412: New Kermit-20 sending the same file WITH decoding S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.08616, type: I, seq: 8, len: 13, Blk: 15, Initialization Params: 10, MaxL: 94, TimO: 18, Npad: 0, PadC: ^@, EOL: ^M, Qctl: #, Qbin: Yes, ChkT: 6-bit, Rept: ~, Long: Available R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.08700, type: Y, seq: 0, len: 13, Blk: 50, Initialization Acknowledgement Params: 10, MaxL: 94, TimO: 20, Npad: 0, PadC: ^@, EOL: ^M, Qctl: #, Qbin: Yes, ChkT: 6-bit, Rept: ~, Long: Available S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.08763, type: R, seq: 0, len: 17, Blk: 50, Receive: TITLE-PAGE.TXT R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.08877, type: S, seq: 0, len: 17, Blk: 42, Send Initiation Params: 10, MaxL: 94, TimO: 18, Npad: 0, PadC: ^@, EOL: ^M, Qctl: #, Qbin: Yes, ChkT: 6-bit, Rept: ~, Long: Available S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.08925, type: Y, seq: 0, len: 13, Blk: 42, Send Initiation Acknowledgement Params: 10, MaxL: 94, TimO: 20, Npad: 0, PadC: ^@, EOL: ^M, Qctl: #, Qbin: Yes, ChkT: 6-bit, Rept: ~, Long: Available R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09019, type: F, seq: 1, len: 13, Blk: 20, File: TITLE-PAGE.TXT S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09052, type: Y, seq: 1, len: 3, Blk: 20, Acknowledged packet type "F" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09205, type: D, seq: 2, len: 3, Blk: 50, Data: 85, THE CANTERVILLE GHOST#M#J#M#Jby#M#J#M#JWILDE#M#J#M#JAn amusing chronicle of the tribu S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09241, type: Y, seq: 2, len: 3, Blk: 50, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09368, type: D, seq: 3, len: 3, Blk: 19, Data: 85, lations of the Ghost of Canterville#M#JChase when his ancestral halls became the home S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09402, type: Y, seq: 3, len: 3, Blk: 19, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09527, type: D, seq: 4, len: 3, Blk: 20, Data: 85, of the American Minister#M#Jto the Court of St. James.#M#J#M#JIllustrated by Wallace S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09560, type: Y, seq: 4, len: 3, Blk: 20, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09684, type: D, seq: 5, len: 3, Blk: 29, Data: 79, Goldsmith#M#J#M#JJohn W. Luce and Company#M#JBoston and London#M#J#M#J1906#M#J S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09717, type: Y, seq: 5, len: 3, Blk: 29, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09766, type: Z, seq: 6, len: 3, Blk: 37, End of File S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09797, type: Y, seq: 6, len: 3, Blk: 37, Acknowledged packet type "Z" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09894, type: B, seq: 7, len: 3, Blk: 14, End of Transmission S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.09921, type: Y, seq: 7, len: 3, Blk: 14, Acknowledged packet type "B" S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.10716, type: G, seq: 7, len: 4, Blk: 14, Generic, Server Status Query R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.10781, type: X, seq: 0, len: 4, Blk: 29, Text: (null) S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.10817, type: Y, seq: 0, len: 3, Blk: 29, Acknowledged packet type "X" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.10961, type: D, seq: 1, len: 3, Blk: 29, Data: 85, #M#J Maximum number of characters in packet: 94 received: 94 sent#M#J Communications S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.11051, type: Y, seq: 1, len: 3, Blk: 29, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.11238, type: D, seq: 2, len: 3, Blk: 20, Data: 85, duration: 0.01103, analysis:#M#J#M#J#ISent:~& 382~$ #IEfficiency:#I~# 0.7906#M#J#IRe S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.11309, type: Y, seq: 2, len: 3, Blk: 20, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.11497, type: D, seq: 3, len: 3, Blk: 13, Data: 85, ceived: 65~$ #IEfficiency:#I[100% Overhead]#M#J#ITotal:~% 447~$ #IEfficiency:#I~# 1. S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.11568, type: Y, seq: 3, len: 3, Blk: 13, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.11757, type: D, seq: 4, len: 3, Blk: 25, Data: 86, 4801#M#J#M#J Total characters per second:#I 39.5760 KC/s#M#J Effective data rate:#I#I S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.11828, type: Y, seq: 4, len: 3, Blk: 25, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12014, type: D, seq: 5, len: 3, Blk: 17, Data: 85, 267.3816 KBd#M#J ILDB: 266 SIN: 32 SIN Max: 42 BIN: 32#M#J Interpacket pause i S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12086, type: Y, seq: 5, len: 3, Blk: 17, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12250, type: D, seq: 6, len: 3, Blk: 39, Data: 58, n effect: 0 ms#M#J#M#J Timeouts: 0#M#J NAKs:#I~# 0#M#J#M#J S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12306, type: Y, seq: 6, len: 3, Blk: 39, Acknowledged packet type "D" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12401, type: Z, seq: 7, len: 3, Blk: 38, End of File S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12429, type: Y, seq: 7, len: 3, Blk: 38, Acknowledged packet type "Z" R, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12477, type: B, seq: 8, len: 3, Blk: 15, End of Transmission S, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.12504, type: Y, seq: 8, len: 3, Blk: 15, Acknowledged packet type "B" C, 1-Sep-2024 21:10:42.13599: Wildcard (multiple) get to local NUL:, no decoding