1-Sep-2024 01:41:22 BATCON Version 6(10175)-5 GLXLIB Version 6(1611)-5 Job K20TPO Req #103 for SLOGIN in Stream 2 OUTPUT: Nolog TIME-LIMIT: 0:00:16 UNIQUE: Yes BATCH-LOG: Supersede RESTART: No ASSISTANCE: Yes ACCOUNT: SEQUENCE: 1146 DEBUG: ON Input from => STAR:K20TPO.CTL.311 Output to => STAR:K20TPO.LOG.230 01:41:22 MONTR VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21752)-5 01:41:22 MONTR Job 13 on TTY21 1-Sep-2024 01:41:22 01:41:22 MONTR Last interactive login 1-Sep-2024 01:41:13 01:41:22 MONTR Last non-interactive login 31-Aug-2024 02:00:00 01:41:22 MONTR End of LOGICALS.CMD.101 01:41:22 MONTR End of MUZZLE.CMD.8 01:41:22 MONTR End of BATCH.CMD.5 01:41:22 MONTR End of COMAND.CMD.14 01:41:22 MONTR @@Echo Control file to test Kermit-20 Terminal Parity Override. 01:41:22 MONTR Control file to test Kermit-20 Terminal Parity Override. 01:41:22 MONTR @@Echo Also does Tops-20 terminal parity checking, SET TRANSMIT 01:41:22 MONTR Also does Tops-20 terminal parity checking, SET TRANSMIT 01:41:22 MONTR @@Echo command checking and gives an example of using SET PROMPT. 01:41:22 MONTR command checking and gives an example of using SET PROMPT. 01:41:22 MONTR @ ! 01:41:22 BLABL INITIA:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT INITIA 01:41:22 MONTR @Info Job 01:41:22 MONTR Host VENTI2, Job 13, TTY21 01:41:22 MONTR User SLOGIN 01:41:22 MONTR @@SMNT STAR: 01:41:22 MONTR Structure STAR: mounted 01:41:22 MONTR 01:41:22 MONTR @@Access STAR: 01:41:22 MONTR 01:41:22 MONTR @@CD K20: 01:41:22 MONTR Connecting to: STAR: 01:41:22 MONTR @@Info Job 01:41:22 MONTR Host VENTI2, Job 13, TTY21 01:41:22 MONTR User SLOGIN, STAR: 01:41:22 MONTR @ ! 01:41:22 BLABL LCLT20:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT LCLT20 01:41:22 MONTR @Echo Stomp TTY.CMD defaults 01:41:22 MONTR Stomp TTY.CMD defaults 01:41:22 MONTR @@Terminal Ideal 01:41:22 MONTR 01:41:22 MONTR @@Terminal Network-Binary 01:41:22 MONTR 01:41:22 MONTR @@Terminal Parity 01:41:22 MONTR 01:41:22 MONTR @@Echo Set NO Control-C-Capability (Can't do this in a Batch Job) 01:41:22 MONTR Set NO Control-C-Capability (Can't do this in a Batch Job) 01:41:22 MONTR @@Info Terminal 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL NVT 01:41:22 MONTR !Terminal speed indeterminate! 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL INHIBIT (NON-JOB OUTPUT) 01:41:22 MONTR REFUSE LINKS IS DISABLED 01:41:22 MONTR REFUSE ADVICE IS DISABLED 01:41:22 MONTR RECEIVE SYSTEM-MESSAGES IS DISABLED 01:41:22 MONTR REFUSE USER-MESSAGES IS DISABLED 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL NO PAUSE (ON) COMMAND 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL NO PAUSE (ON) END-OF-PAGE 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL LENGTH 0 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL WIDTH 0 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL LOWERCASE 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL NO RAISE 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL NO FLAG 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL INDICATE 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL FORMFEED 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL TABS 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL IMMEDIATE 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL LINE 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL BACKSPACE-DELETE 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY INPUT 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY OUTPUT 01:41:22 MONTR TERMINAL PARITY 01:41:22 MONTR @ ! 01:41:22 BLABL LCLK20:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT LCLK20 01:41:22 MONTR @Echo Get and check Local Kermit 01:41:22 MONTR Get and check Local Kermit 01:41:22 MONTR @@Get K20:Kermit 01:41:22 MONTR 01:41:22 MONTR @@Info Ver 01:41:22 MONTR VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21752)-5 01:41:22 MONTR PANDA TOPS-20 Command processor 7.1(4459)-5 01:41:22 MONTR Program is KERMIT, version is 5.3(277)-5 01:41:22 MONTR PDVs: Program name K20MIT, version 5.3(277)-5 01:41:22 MONTR @@Info Prog 01:41:22 MONTR Used 0:00:00 in 0:00:00 01:41:22 MONTR TOPS-20: 0:00:00.2 01:41:22 MONTR SET UUO-SIMULATION (FOR PROGRAM) 01:41:22 MONTR SET NO CONTROL-C-CAPABILITY (OF PROGRAM) 01:41:22 MONTR SET NO KEEP-FORK (ON ) 01:41:22 MONTR SET NO NEW-FORK (ON RESET) 01:41:22 MONTR SET TYPEOUT MODE SYMBOLIC 01:41:22 MONTR SET TYPEOUT RADIX 8 01:41:22 MONTR => KERMIT (1): HALT at 0, 0:00:00.0 01:41:22 MONTR @@Start 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER TOPS-20 Kermit version 5.3(277)-5 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Kermit-20>*Log Session KT:K20TPO-Local-Session.LOG.-1 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Kermit-20>*Echo /Session Condition Local Kermit-20 01:41:22 USER Condition Local Kermit-20 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Kermit-20>*CWD KT: 01:41:22 USER Password: *PWD 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER [Connected to STAR:] 01:41:22 USER Kermit-20>*Set Prompt "Local-Kermit-20>" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Set Flow-Control None 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Show Line 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER TTY for file transfer: 21 01:41:22 USER (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) 01:41:22 USER Handshake: None 01:41:22 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:22 USER Parity: Even 01:41:22 USER Parity Action: Abort 01:41:22 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:22 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:22 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178, 37 Bytes Written 01:41:22 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:22 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Set Input Default-Timeout 10 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Set Input Timeout-Action Quit 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Echo /Sess If observing case, remote MUST observe case for INPUT/TRANSMIT parity testing 01:41:22 USER If observing case, remote MUST observe case for INPUT/TRANSMIT parity testing 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Set Input Case Observe 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Show Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Parameters for INPUT commands: 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Alphabetic Case: Observed in matching 01:41:22 USER Default Timeout: 10 sec, 10000 ms 01:41:22 USER Timeout Action: Quit from command file 01:41:22 USER Default Search: " 01:41:22 USER @" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL REMT20:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT REMT20 ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Sign into remote and condition terminal" 01:41:22 USER Sign into remote and condition terminal 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Connect pseudo-terminal /stay 01:41:22 USER [KERMIT-20: Loopback connection to VENTI2:: via PTY7: as TTY22:] 01:41:22 USER [KERMIT-20: Logging session to K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178] 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21752)-5 01:41:22 USER @ 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Echo /Session Example of new SET PROMPT functionality 01:41:22 USER Example of new SET PROMPT functionality 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Local-Kermit-20>*Set Prompt 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Note, no password needed for same user id on a pseudo-terminal" 01:41:22 USER Note, no password needed for same user id on a pseudo-terminal 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "slogin\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER slogin 01:41:22 USER Job 14 on TTY22 1-Sep-2024 01:41:22 01:41:22 USER Last interactive login 1-Sep-2024 01:41:22 01:41:22 USER Last non-interactive login 31-Aug-2024 02:00:00 01:41:22 USER [Jobs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 also logged in under SLOGIN] 01:41:22 USER End of LOGICALS.CMD.101 01:41:22 USER End of TTY.CMD.9 01:41:22 USER End of LOGIN.CMD.19 01:41:22 USER End of COMAND.CMD.14 01:41:22 USER You have net mail from SLOGIN@TOMMYT at 29-Aug-2024 14:11:29 01:41:22 USER @ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Stomp TTY.CMD defaults" 01:41:22 USER Stomp TTY.CMD defaults 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Terminal Ideal\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Turn on Parity generating, but don't check it yet" 01:41:22 USER Turn on Parity generating, but don't check it yet 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Terminal Network-Binary\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Terminal Parity\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Mount structure and connect to testing area" 01:41:22 USER Mount structure and connect to testing area 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "SMNT K20:\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER SMNT K20: 01:41:22 USER Structure STAR: mounted 01:41:22 USER @ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Access STAR:\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Access STAR: 01:41:22 USER @ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Connect KT:\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Set location and view system" 01:41:22 USER Set location and view system 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Where Kermit Loopback Testing [Batch]\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "finger\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL REMK20:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT REMK20 ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Start Kermit on remote job" 01:41:22 USER Start Kermit on remote job 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set NO Control-C-Capability\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Get K20:Kermit\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Get K20:Kermit 01:41:22 USER @ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Info Prog\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Info Prog 01:41:22 USER Used 0:00:00 in 0:00:00 01:41:22 USER TOPS-20: 0:00:00.1 01:41:22 USER SET UUO-SIMULATION (FOR PROGRAM) 01:41:22 USER SET NO CONTROL-C-CAPABILITY (OF PROGRAM) 01:41:22 USER SET NO KEEP-FORK (ON ) 01:41:22 USER SET NO NEW-FORK (ON RESET) 01:41:22 USER SET TYPEOUT MODE SYMBOLIC 01:41:22 USER SET TYPEOUT RADIX 8 01:41:22 USER => KERMIT (1): HALT at 0, 0:00:00.0 01:41:22 USER @ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Info Ver\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Info Ver 01:41:22 USER VENTI2, PANDA TOPS-20 Monitor 7.1(21752)-5 01:41:22 USER PANDA TOPS-20 Command processor 7.1(4459)-5 01:41:22 USER Program is KERMIT, version is 5.3(277)-5 01:41:22 USER PDVs: Program name K20MIT, version 5.3(277)-5 01:41:22 USER @ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Start\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Input Search-Default "\r\nKermit-20>" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Parameters for INPUT commands: 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Alphabetic Case: Observed in matching 01:41:22 USER Default Timeout: 10 sec, 10000 ms 01:41:22 USER Timeout Action: Quit from command file 01:41:22 USER Default Search: " 01:41:22 USER Kermit-20>" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Start 01:41:22 USER TOPS-20 Kermit version 5.3(277)-5 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Configure remote Kermit and turn on parity" 01:41:22 USER Configure remote Kermit and turn on parity 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Prompt Remote-Kermit-20>\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Input Search-Default "\r\nRemote-Kermit-20>" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Log Session KT:K20TPO-Remote-Session.LOG.-1\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Flow-Control None\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Input Default-Timeout 10\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Input Case Observe\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Parameters for INPUT commands: 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Alphabetic Case: Observed in matching 01:41:22 USER Default Timeout: 10 sec, 10000 ms 01:41:22 USER Timeout Action: Quit from command file 01:41:22 USER Default Search: " 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20>" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Show Input\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Show Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Parameters for INPUT commands: 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Alphabetic Case: Observed in matching 01:41:22 USER Default Timeout: 10 sec, 10000 ms 01:41:22 USER Timeout Action: Quit from command file 01:41:22 USER Default Search: *Carriage Return Line Feed* 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Set checking parity, but not blowing up on it" 01:41:22 USER Set checking parity, but not blowing up on it 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Parity Even /Terminal-and-Packets /Check-on-Receive /Proceed\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Parity Even /Terminal-and-Packets /Check-on-Receive /Proceed 01:41:22 USER %Will request 8th-bit prefixing. 01:41:22 USER If the other KERMIT doesn't agree, binary files cannot be sent correctly. 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Set Parity Even /Terminal-and-Packets /Check-on-Receive /Proceed 01:41:22 USER %Will request 8th-bit prefixing. 01:41:22 USER If the other KERMIT doesn't agree, binary files cannot be sent correctly. 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Five Tests of remote ECHO parity override to test parity checking" 01:41:22 USER Five Tests of remote ECHO parity override to test parity checking 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL NONE:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT NONE 01:41:22 USER *Show Line 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 [PTY7:] 01:41:22 USER (pseudo-terminal loopback to VENTI2::, KERMIT-20 is LOCAL) 01:41:22 USER Handshake: None 01:41:22 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:22 USER Escape Character: ^\ 01:41:22 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:22 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:22 USER Substitution: "~" (176) 01:41:22 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:22 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:22 USER PTY Connection: Online 01:41:22 USER SOUTR%'s Issued: 21 01:41:22 USER SOUTR% Bytes: 441 01:41:22 USER Max SOUTR% Len: 65 01:41:22 USER Network BIN%'s: 56 01:41:22 USER Network SIN%'s: 42 01:41:22 USER Network SIN% Cnt: 2489 01:41:22 USER Network SIN% Max: 249 01:41:22 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178, 3263 Bytes Written 01:41:22 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:22 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Show Line\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Show Line 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 01:41:22 USER (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) 01:41:22 USER Handshake: None 01:41:22 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:22 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:22 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:22 USER Substitution: "~" (176) 01:41:22 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:22 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:22 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-REMOTE-SESSION.LOG.130 01:41:22 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:22 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Echoing with no parity means Tops-20 will put parity on everything" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with no parity means Tops-20 will put parity on everything 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session /parity:None This is a parity test - None\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "- None" 01:41:22 USER Echo /Session /parity:None This is a parity test - None 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER This is a parity test - None 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL SPACE:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT SPACE 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Echoing with space parity means roughly half the characters will be bad" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with space parity means roughly half the characters will be bad 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session /parity:Space This is a parity test - Space\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "- Space\r\n" 01:41:22 USER Echo /Session /parity:Space This is a parity test - Space 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "~\n" 01:41:22 USER ~~i~~i~~~~~~rit~~te~t~-~S~~ce~ 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "20>" 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL MARK:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT MARK 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Echoing with mark parity means the exact opposite characters will be bad" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with mark parity means the exact opposite characters will be bad 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session /parity:Mark This is a parity test - Mark\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "- Mark" 01:41:22 USER Echo /Session /parity:Mark This is a parity test - Mark 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "~a~k" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Th~s ~s a pa~~~y ~~s~ ~ ~a~k 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "\r~" 01:41:22 USER ~ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "20>" 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL EVEN:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT EVEN 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Echoing with even parity means ALL characters will have good parity" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with even parity means ALL characters will have good parity 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session /parity:Even This is a parity test - Even\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "- Even" 01:41:22 USER Echo /Session /parity:Even This is a parity test - Even 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER This is a parity test - Even 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL ODD:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT ODD 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Echoing with odd parity means ALL characters will have BAD parity" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with odd parity means ALL characters will have BAD parity 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session /parity:Odd This is a parity test - Odd\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "- Odd" 01:41:22 USER Echo /Session /parity:Odd This is a parity test - Odd 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "\r\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL ABORT:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT ABORT 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Echoing with space parity, forcing an abort" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with space parity, forcing an abort 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Parity /abort-on-detection 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> 01:41:22 BATCH @NOERROR 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Echoing with space parity, abort processing" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with space parity, abort processing 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session /parity:Space This is a parity abort test - Space\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "- Space\r\n" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER ?KERMIT-20: Bad parity detected on network SIN% - Not confirmed at: 636657 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> 01:41:22 BATCH @ERROR 01:41:22 USER *Output "\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Line 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 [PTY7:] 01:41:22 USER (pseudo-terminal loopback to VENTI2::, KERMIT-20 is LOCAL) 01:41:22 USER Handshake: None 01:41:22 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:22 USER Escape Character: ^\ 01:41:22 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:22 USER Parity Errors: 61 01:41:22 USER Parity Action: Abort 01:41:22 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:22 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:22 USER PTY Connection: Online 01:41:22 USER SOUTR%'s Issued: 30 01:41:22 USER SOUTR% Bytes: 797 01:41:22 USER Max SOUTR% Len: 65 01:41:22 USER Network BIN%'s: 71 01:41:22 USER Network SIN%'s: 57 01:41:22 USER Network SIN% Cnt: 3592 01:41:22 USER Network SIN% Max: 249 01:41:22 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178, 4790 Bytes Written 01:41:22 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:22 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL HASH:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT HASH 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Echoing with mark parity, different substitute character" 01:41:22 USER Echoing with mark parity, different substitute character 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Parity /Proceed /substitute "#" /reset-error-count 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session /parity:Mark This is a parity test - Mark\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "- Mark" 01:41:22 USER Echo /Session /parity:Mark This is a parity test - Mark 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "#a#k" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Th#s #s a pa###y ##s# # #a#k 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "\r#" 01:41:22 USER # 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! 01:41:22 USER *Show Line 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 [PTY7:] 01:41:22 USER (pseudo-terminal loopback to VENTI2::, KERMIT-20 is LOCAL) 01:41:22 USER Handshake: None 01:41:22 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:22 USER Escape Character: ^\ 01:41:22 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:22 USER Parity Errors: 12 01:41:22 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:22 USER Substitution: "#" (43) 01:41:22 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:22 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:22 USER PTY Connection: Online 01:41:22 USER SOUTR%'s Issued: 32 01:41:22 USER SOUTR% Bytes: 854 01:41:22 USER Max SOUTR% Len: 65 01:41:22 USER Network BIN%'s: 73 01:41:22 USER Network SIN%'s: 59 01:41:22 USER Network SIN% Cnt: 3713 01:41:22 USER Network SIN% Max: 249 01:41:22 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178, 4981 Bytes Written 01:41:22 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:22 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Show Line\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:22 USER Show Line 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 01:41:22 USER (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) 01:41:22 USER Handshake: None 01:41:22 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:22 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:22 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:22 USER Substitution: "~" (176) 01:41:22 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:22 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:22 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-REMOTE-SESSION.LOG.130, 287 Bytes Written 01:41:22 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:22 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! ! 01:41:22 BLABL SMLFIL:: 01:41:22 BATCH @CHKPNT SMLFIL ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Note: Input Case observance MUST MATCH if observing case" 01:41:22 USER Note: Input Case observance MUST MATCH if observing case 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session Note: Input Case observance MUST MATCH if observing case\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Input Case Ignore\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Input Case Ignore 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo Must reissue Search-Default AFTER Set Input Case for string to properly expand 01:41:22 USER Must reissue Search-Default AFTER Set Input Case for string to properly expand 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Input Search-Default "\r\nRemote-Kermit-20>" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Input 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Parameters for INPUT commands: 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER Alphabetic Case: Ignored in matching 01:41:22 USER Default Timeout: 10 sec, 10000 ms 01:41:22 USER Timeout Action: Quit from command file 01:41:22 USER Default Search: " 01:41:22 USER REMOTE-KERMIT-20>" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Show Input\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:22 USER *Echo /Session "Allow a timesharing user to put junk into the stream" 01:41:22 USER Allow a timesharing user to put junk into the stream 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session Allow a timesharing user to put junk into the stream\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "\c\c" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent "\@" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Receive Advice\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Receive Links\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Receive System-Messages\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Receive User-Messages\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Information Terminal\r" 01:41:22 USER 01:41:22 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:23 USER Information Terminal 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NVT 01:41:23 USER !Terminal speed indeterminate! 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NO INHIBIT (NON-JOB OUTPUT) 01:41:23 USER RECEIVE LINKS 01:41:23 USER RECEIVE ADVICE 01:41:23 USER RECEIVE SYSTEM-MESSAGES 01:41:23 USER RECEIVE USER-MESSAGES 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NO PAUSE (ON) COMMAND 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL PAUSE (ON) END-OF-PAGE !DISABLED! 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL LENGTH 0 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL WIDTH 0 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL LOWERCASE 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NO RAISE 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NO FLAG 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL INDICATE 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL FORMFEED 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL TABS 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NO IMMEDIATE 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL FULLDUPLEX 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NO BACKSPACE-DELETE 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY INPUT 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY OUTPUT 01:41:23 USER TERMINAL PARITY 01:41:23 USER @ 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Continue\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Input Search-Default "\r\nRemote-Kermit-20>" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:23 USER *Echo /Session "Reset parity counter and substitution character" 01:41:23 USER Reset parity counter and substitution character 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session Reset parity counter and substitution character\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Parity /Proceed /substitute ~ /reset-error-count 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Parity /Proceed /substitute ~ /reset-error-count\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Line 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 [PTY7:] 01:41:23 USER (pseudo-terminal loopback to VENTI2::, KERMIT-20 is LOCAL) 01:41:23 USER Handshake: None 01:41:23 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:23 USER Escape Character: ^\ 01:41:23 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:23 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:23 USER Substitution: "~" (176) 01:41:23 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:23 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:23 USER PTY Connection: Online 01:41:23 USER SOUTR%'s Issued: 48 01:41:23 USER SOUTR% Bytes: 1259 01:41:23 USER Max SOUTR% Len: 71 01:41:23 USER Network BIN%'s: 104 01:41:23 USER Network SIN%'s: 84 01:41:23 USER Network SIN% Cnt: 5608 01:41:23 USER Network SIN% Max: 249 01:41:23 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178, 7097 Bytes Written 01:41:23 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:23 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:23 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Show Line\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:23 USER Show Line 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 01:41:23 USER (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) 01:41:23 USER Handshake: None 01:41:23 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:23 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:23 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:23 USER Substitution: "~" (176) 01:41:23 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:23 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:23 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-REMOTE-SESSION.LOG.130, 478 Bytes Written 01:41:23 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:23 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:23 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:23 USER *Echo /Session "Transmit a small file, showing matching of remote prompt" 01:41:23 USER Transmit a small file, showing matching of remote prompt 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session Transmit a small file showing matching or remote prompt\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Transmit Settings-Defaults Transmit\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Set Transmit Case Ignore\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Show Transmit\r" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:23 USER Show Transmit 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER Parameters for TRANSMIT/CAPTURE commands: 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER End-of-File Character: None 01:41:23 USER Maximum Line Length: 2048 01:41:23 USER Pause after each send: None 01:41:23 USER Time out: None 01:41:23 USER Settings Defaults Context: SET TRANSMIT 01:41:23 USER Remote Response Matching: Case Ignored 01:41:23 USER Silence Remote Responses: Off 01:41:23 USER Default Remote Prompt: None 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:23 USER *Echo /Session "Example of setting TRANSMIT settings seperately from INPUT" 01:41:23 USER Example of setting TRANSMIT settings seperately from INPUT 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit Settings-Defaults Transmit 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit EOF ^Z 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit Maximum-Length 100 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit Silent Off 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit Timeout 15 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit Case Ignore 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit Default-Remote-Prompt "Otto>>" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Transmit Pause .783 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Transmit 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER Parameters for TRANSMIT/CAPTURE commands: 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER End-of-File Character: "^Z" (32) 01:41:23 USER Maximum Line Length: 100 01:41:23 USER Pause after each send: .783 sec, 783 ms 01:41:23 USER Time out: 15 sec, 15000 ms 01:41:23 USER Settings Defaults Context: SET TRANSMIT 01:41:23 USER Remote Response Matching: Case Ignored 01:41:23 USER Silence Remote Responses: Off 01:41:23 USER Default Remote Prompt: "OTTO>>" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:23 USER *Echo /Session "Set remote Kermit to Capture FIRST" 01:41:23 USER Set remote Kermit to Capture FIRST 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output Capture /Timeout 5 /EOF ^Z KT:FILCOM.HLP;T "Otto>>"\r 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input " instead\r\n" 01:41:23 USER Capture /Timeout 5 /EOF ^Z KT:FILCOM.HLP;T "Otto>>" 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER [KERMIT-20: Capturing to FILCOM.HLP.1, EOF: ^Z, prompt: OTTO>>, type: ^G^G to finish] 01:41:23 USER % Kermit-20: Can't enable ^C capability--use ^G instead 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Wait a bit and transmit the small file" 01:41:23 USER Wait a bit and transmit the small file 01:41:23 USER 01:41:23 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Pause 1.5 01:41:24 USER 01:41:24 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Transmit HLP:FILCOM.HLP 01:41:24 USER 01:41:24 USER [KERMIT-20: Transmitting TOMMYT:FILCOM.HLP.1 01:41:24 USER If stuck, type: 01:41:24 USER Carriage Return to send next line, 01:41:24 USER ^P to resend current line, 01:41:24 USER ^G^G to cancel. Here goes...] 01:41:24 USER OTTO>> 01:41:25 USER OTTO>> 01:41:26 USER OTTO>> 01:41:27 USER OTTO>> 01:41:27 USER OTTO>> 01:41:28 USER OTTO>> 01:41:29 USER OTTO>> 01:41:30 USER OTTO>> 01:41:31 USER OTTO>> 01:41:31 USER OTTO>> 01:41:32 USER OTTO>> 01:41:33 USER OTTO>> 01:41:34 USER OTTO>> 01:41:35 USER OTTO>> 01:41:35 USER OTTO>> 01:41:36 USER OTTO>> 01:41:37 USER OTTO>> 01:41:38 USER OTTO>> 01:41:39 USER OTTO>> 01:41:39 USER OTTO>> 01:41:40 USER OTTO>> 01:41:41 USER OTTO>> 01:41:41 USER OTTO>> 01:41:42 USER OTTO>> 01:41:43 USER OTTO>> 01:41:44 USER OTTO>> 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER [KERMIT-20: Transmit of TOMMYT:FILCOM.HLP.1 complete, 1133 characters, 55.3011 C/s] 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:45 USER *Echo /Session "Skip the long file for the moment" 01:41:45 USER Skip the long file for the moment 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> 01:41:45 BATCH @GOTO DONREM 01:41:45 BLABL DONREM:: 01:41:45 BATCH @CHKPNT DONREM 01:41:45 USER *Echo /Session "Done with remote tests, exit the remote Kermit" 01:41:45 USER Done with remote tests, exit the remote Kermit 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Echo /Session Done with remote tests, exit the remote Kermit\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Show Line\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER Echo /Session Done with remote tests, exit the remote Kermit 01:41:45 USER Done with remote tests, exit the remote Kermit 01:41:45 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Close All\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER Show Line 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 01:41:45 USER (job's controlling terminal, KERMIT-20 is REMOTE) 01:41:45 USER Handshake: None 01:41:45 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:45 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:45 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:45 USER Substitution: "~" (176) 01:41:45 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:45 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:45 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-REMOTE-SESSION.LOG.130, 603 Bytes Written 01:41:45 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:45 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:45 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER Remote-Kermit-20> 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! 01:41:45 USER *Set Input Default-Timeout 20 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Input Search-Default "\r\n@" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Input 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER Parameters for INPUT commands: 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER Alphabetic Case: Ignored in matching 01:41:45 USER Default Timeout: 20 sec, 20000 ms 01:41:45 USER Timeout Action: Quit from command file 01:41:45 USER Default Search: " 01:41:45 USER @" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Quit\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER Close All 01:41:45 USER %Debugging logging was not being done 01:41:45 USER [Closed log: Session; K20TPO-REMOTE-SESSION.LOG.130, 603 Bytes Written] 01:41:45 USER %Transaction logging was not being done 01:41:45 USER Remote-Kermit-20>Quit 01:41:45 USER @ 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:45 BLABL FINREM:: 01:41:45 BATCH @CHKPNT FINREM ! 01:41:45 USER *Echo /Session "Show proof pseudo-terminal was sending parity" 01:41:45 USER Show proof pseudo-terminal was sending parity 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Info Terminal\R" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER Info Terminal 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NVT 01:41:45 USER !Terminal speed indeterminate! 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NO INHIBIT (NON-JOB OUTPUT) 01:41:45 USER REFUSE LINKS 01:41:45 USER REFUSE ADVICE 01:41:45 USER RECEIVE SYSTEM-MESSAGES 01:41:45 USER RECEIVE USER-MESSAGES 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NO PAUSE (ON) COMMAND 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL PAUSE (ON) END-OF-PAGE !DISABLED! 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL LENGTH 0 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL WIDTH 0 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL LOWERCASE 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NO RAISE 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NO FLAG 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL INDICATE 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL FORMFEED 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL TABS 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NO IMMEDIATE 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL FULLDUPLEX 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NO BACKSPACE-DELETE 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY INPUT 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL NETWORK-BINARY OUTPUT 01:41:45 USER TERMINAL PARITY 01:41:45 USER @ 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Show Remote Processor Time Used" 01:41:45 USER Show Remote Processor Time Used 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Info Fork/High\R" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER Info Fork/High 01:41:45 USER => KERMIT (1): HALT at CONTIN, 0.07957 01:41:45 USER @ 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Don't logout while connected to KT:, tosses temporary file" 01:41:45 USER Don't logout while connected to KT:, tosses temporary file 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "PWD\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER PWD 01:41:45 USER STAR: 01:41:45 USER @ 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "VD K20TPO*.LOG.0\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER VD K20TPO*.LOG.0 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER STAR: 01:41:45 USER K20TPO.LOG.230;P777700 0 39640(7) 1-Sep-2024 01:41:22 SLOGIN 01:41:45 USER K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.177;P777700 01:41:45 USER 5 11081(7) 31-Aug-2024 20:58:32 SLOGIN 01:41:45 USER K20TPO-REMOTE-SESSION.LOG.130;P777700 01:41:45 USER 1 603(7) 1-Sep-2024 01:41:22 SLOGIN 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER Total of 6 pages in 3 files 01:41:45 USER @ 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "CD H:\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input /Silent 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Info Job\r" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input 01:41:45 USER Info Job 01:41:45 USER Host VENTI2, Job 14, TTY22 01:41:45 USER User SLOGIN 01:41:45 USER @ 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "Log the remote job out" 01:41:45 USER Log the remote job out 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Output "Logout\R" 01:41:45 USER 01:41:45 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "Used" 01:41:45 USER LogoUt 01:41:45 USER [Jobs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 also logged in Under SLOGIN] 01:41:50 USER Logged oUt Job 14, User SLOGIN, TTY22, at 1-Sep-2024 01:41:50 01:41:50 USER Used 01:41:50 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Input "\r\n" 01:41:50 USER 0:00:00 in 0:00:27 01:41:50 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20> ! ! 01:41:50 BLABL FINLCL:: 01:41:50 BATCH @CHKPNT FINLCL ! 01:41:50 USER *Echo /Session "Finish up and close out the local Kermit" 01:41:50 USER Finish up and close out the local Kermit 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Clear /Display 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER Characters cleared: 0 01:41:50 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Show Line 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER TTY for file transfer: 22 [PTY7:] 01:41:50 USER (pseudo-terminal loopback to VENTI2::, KERMIT-20 is LOCAL) 01:41:50 USER Handshake: None 01:41:50 USER Flow-Control: None 01:41:50 USER Escape Character: ^\ 01:41:50 USER Parity: Even [Receive-Checking] 01:41:50 USER Parity Action: Proceed 01:41:50 USER Substitution: "~" (176) 01:41:50 USER Duplex: Full 01:41:50 USER Break Simulation: Disabled 01:41:50 USER PTY Connection: Online 01:41:50 USER SOUTR%'s Issued: 91 01:41:50 USER SOUTR% Bytes: 2734 01:41:50 USER Max SOUTR% Len: 71 01:41:50 USER Network BIN%'s: 172 01:41:50 USER Network SIN%'s: 145 01:41:50 USER Network SIN% Cnt: 8992 01:41:50 USER Network SIN% Max: 249 01:41:50 USER Log: (Enabled) K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178, 11142 Bytes Written 01:41:50 USER Controlling Type: PTY [Parity] 01:41:50 USER Input Buffers: 1 01:41:50 USER Output Buffers: 1 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Close All 01:41:50 USER %Debugging logging was not being done 01:41:50 USER [Closed log: Session; K20TPO-LOCAL-SESSION.LOG.178, 11142 Bytes Written] 01:41:50 USER %Transaction logging was not being done 01:41:50 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Connect Close 01:41:50 USER [Connection closed] 01:41:50 USER PTY7(22):Kermit-20>*Set Prompt 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER Kermit-20>*Echo /Session "No terminal fork to kill since never started one" 01:41:50 USER No terminal fork to kill since never started one 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER Kermit-20>*Quit 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR @@Info Fork/High 01:41:50 MONTR => KERMIT (1): HALT;N at CONTIN, 0.33696 01:41:50 MONTR @ ! ! 01:41:50 BLABL FILCOM:: 01:41:50 BATCH @CHKPNT FILCOM 01:41:50 MONTR @Echo Have a look at the files 01:41:50 MONTR Have a look at the files 01:41:50 MONTR @@Define F1: HLP:FILCOM.HLP.0 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR @@Define F2: KT:FILCOM.HLP.0 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR @@Define F3: DOC:JSYS_REFERENCE.MEM.0 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR @@Define F4: KT:JSYS_REFERENCE.MEM.0 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR @@VD F1:,F2: !,F3:,F4:! /checksum by-pages 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR TOMMYT: 01:41:50 MONTR FILCOM.HLP.1;P777752 1 1133(7) 28-Jan-88 13:27:49 BROOKS 105505 P 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR Total of 1 page in 1 file, Checksum = 105505 P 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR STAR: 01:41:50 MONTR FILCOM.HLP.1;P777700;T 1 1133(7) 1-Sep-2024 01:41:23 SLOGIN 105505 P 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR Total of 1 page in 1 file, Checksum = 105505 P 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR Grand total of 2 pages in 2 files, Checksum = 453661 P 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR @@Set Trap File 01:41:50 MONTR 01:41:50 MONTR @@NEW:FILCOM 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER **TTY:=F1:,F2: 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER [Fork FILCOM opening TOMMYT:FILCOM.HLP.1 for reading] 01:41:50 USER [Fork FILCOM opening FILCOM.HLP.1 for reading] 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER No differences encountered 01:41:50 USER 01:41:50 USER * !*TTY:=F3:,F4: 01:41:50 USER =^Z 01:41:50 MONTR @ ! ! 01:41:50 BLABL PORKY:: 01:41:50 BATCH @CHKPNT PORKY 01:41:50 MONTR @Echo Nothing to modify since current last batch Job 01:41:50 MONTR Nothing to modify since current last batch Job 01:41:50 MONTR @ ! 01:41:50 MONTR @Echo That's all, Folks! 01:41:50 MONTR That's all, Folks! 01:41:50 MONTR @ 01:41:50 MONTR Logged out by SLOGIN, TTY45 iSnack 01:41:50 MONTR Logged out Job 13, User SLOGIN, TTY21, at 1-Sep-2024 01:41:50 01:41:50 MONTR Used 0:00:00 in 0:00:28